Category Archives: Reports

Report for the workshop “Astrochemistry meets Surface Science: Theoretical Frontiers”

Scientific Report for the workshop “Astrochemistry meets Surface Science: Theoretical Frontiers”

April 5th – 8th 2022

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark


The goal of the workshop was to bring closer together the research communities of theoretical Astrochemistry and theoretical (under Earth conditions) Surface Science. These two fields often address very similar questions, while using the exact same techniques and methodologies (e.g. electronic structure methods such as density functional theory, molecular dynamics or kinetic Monte Carlo simulations). And yet, despite these similarities, a noticeable communication gap exists between the two communities. Our multidisciplinary workshop aimed to bridge this gap and help establish new networking and collaboration ties between these fields.

The workshop covered a broad range of topics ranging from surface reaction networks and kinetic models to the characterization of interstellar ices and questions of energy dissipation and heat transport. In parallel to the underlying scientific questions, special focus was placed on theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as computational and numerical tools that are used in either one or both of the fields of astrochemistry and Earth-related surface science.

Continue reading Report for the workshop “Astrochemistry meets Surface Science: Theoretical Frontiers”

Scientific Report on the Wannier 2022 Workshop

ICTP, Trieste (Italy), 16-27 May 2022

The last two decades have witnessed a tremendous growth in the use of Wannier functions (WFs) for first-principles electronic structure calculations. Beyond providing fundamental insights on several aspects of the electronic structure, from chemical bonding to electrical polarisation, topological invariants, Berry curvature and more, WFs have found applications in a plethora of different domains. 

The software package WANNIER90 has become a reference for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) [1,2] and related properties [2,3,4]. As Wannier functions are independent from the basis sets used to represent the electronic structure in the underlying first-principles calculations, WANNIER90 can be interfaced to virtually any electronic-structure code. Indeed, most of the major electronic-structure packages have already an interface to WANNIER90, including Quantum ESPRESSO, ABINIT, VASP, Siesta, Wien2k, Fleur and Octopus. 

The availability of a robust MLWF code that is connected to several ab-initio engines has acted as a fertiliser for the birth of independent computational efforts aimed at calculating complex materials properties by leveraging WFs. Several independent packages exploiting MLWFs and WANNIER90 exist nowadays, targeting a number of properties, from electron-phonon coupling [5] (EPW) to topological invariants [6] (Z2Pack), surface spectral densities [7] (WannierTools), Berry-phase related properties [8] (Wannier Berri), tight-binding models (PythTB, TBModels), high-throughput calculations [9] (AiiDA-Wannier90), dynamical mean field theory (TRIQS), just to mention a few.

Wannier 2022 has been an event that put together the community behind these symbiotic packages that form a research and software ecosystem built upon the concept of MLWFs. The workshop has served the two-fold objective of teaching several techniques enabled by Wannier functions to young researchers and fostering an integration between all the packages composing the Wannier ecosystem, contrasting fragmentation and duplication of efforts.

This workshop has been generously funded by ICTP, Psi-k, MaX, NCCR MARVEL and CECAM. The computational infrastructure to run the hands-on tutorials has been provided by ICTP through their ICTP Cloud.   

The workshop was run by 6 directors:

  • Antimo Marrazzo, University of Trieste
  • Roxana Margine, Binghamton University
  • Sinisa Coh, University of California Riverside
  • Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich
  • Giovanni Pizzi, EPFL
  • Nicola Seriani, ICTP (local organiser)

The event comprised two parts, a summer school (first week) and a developers meeting (second week). 

Continue reading Scientific Report on the Wannier 2022 Workshop

Report on the Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures

Scientific Report for the
Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures
March 21-25, 2022
CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

The aim of the school was to give a deep introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of the electronic excitations which are probed by experimental techniques such as optical absorption, EELS, and photoemission (direct or inverse). From the theory point of view, excitations and excited state properties are out of the reach of density-functional theory (DFT), which is a ground-state theory. In the last thirty years, other ab-initio theories and frameworks, which are able to describe electronic excitations and spectroscopy, have become more and more used: time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) and many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) or Green’s function theory (GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation BSE). In fact, computational solutions and codes have been developed in order to implement these theories and to provide tools to calculate excited state properties. The present school focused on these points, covering theoretical, practical, and also numerical aspects of TDDFT and MBPT, non-linear response, and real-time spectroscopies. For the first time, this year we also covered theoretical aspects of magnetic excitations. Finally, a large part of the school was devoted to the codes implementing such theories (ABINIT, 2Light, DP, EXC). Continue reading Report on the Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures

Report on the “ML-IP 2021” workshop (Young and Early-career Researchers’ Tutorial on Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials)

Machine learning potentials have now established themselves as a method of choice in many atomistic simulation projects. This tutorial workshop was aimed at young and early-career researchers who are interested in using machine learning potentials in their work, but are unsure of where to start or of how feasible the proposed application would be.

While the field continues to produce new theoretical and methodological advances, there is now a large class of systems that can be treated with existing, established methods. The main issues now for new researchers entering the field are, first, choosing between the many different machine learning methods (and correspondingly many software packages) available, and second, learning about simulation workflows and best practices that are often undocumented, unwritten “common knowledge”.

The workshop was designed with two main aims: First, to give these researchers a solid introduction in the basic scientific techniques of designing, fitting, and validating a machine learning potential for a new system. Second, to provide a platform for young researchers interested in using machine learning potentials in their work to connect to those involved in developing methods for machine learning potentials, in order to accelerate the adoption of machine learning techniques in the wider atomistic simulation community. Continue reading Report on the “ML-IP 2021” workshop (Young and Early-career Researchers’ Tutorial on Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials)

The 17th ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting

Group picture in front of the “Torre dell’Elefante”, one of the entrances of “Castello”, the historical center of Cagliari where the conference was held.
ETSF YRM 2021 — September 6-10, Cagliari (Italy).

The Young Researchers’ Meeting (YRM) of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) is an annual meeting which involves researchers in theoretical materials science at the early stages of their careers (i.e. PhD students and post-doctoral researchers).

ETSF YRM 2021 took place in Cagliari (Italy), in the frame of the wonderful and unique landscape of Sardinia. The conference has been held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture, in the spectacular setting of Collegio dei Gesuiti, an historical building dating back to the 17th century. Because of the sanitary crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic, and because of the consequent necessity to maintain security distances, the number of participants was restricted. However, in order to give to all the applicants the possibility to attend the meeting, all the talks were broadcast via Zoom.

The YRM of ETSF aims to give to young researchers the opportunity to present their work and to share their knowledge in state-of-the-art theoretical methods for solid state physics, in an informal context which stimulates networking and exchange between peers. It also promotes meeting between young researchers and private companies interested in profiles with a strong scientific backgrounds. To this purpose, one of the session of the conference hosted some former researchers now working out of academia, which shared with the participants their experiences. Continue reading The 17th ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting

Report on the Q-MS School 2021

Q-MS School 2021 Group Photo at the Lone Star Marina and Lodge, Pilot Point, Texas.

From the 11th to the 13th of October 2021 the first school on multiscale models in Quantum Espresso was held in Texas, at the Lone Star Lodge and Marina, near Pilot Point. The school welcomed 22 in person participants, with 7 instructors from 3 US institutions. More than half of the in-person participants belong to groups that are under-represented in computational physics. While the initial plan for the school was to be in person-only, due to the pandemic situation in Texas and the rules that hindered international travelers to enter the US, the school was converted into a hybrid event. More than 450 participants registered to join the school remotely, with more than 100 participants joining specific Zoom lectures. Details on the country of origin and seniority of the registered participants are summarized in the figure below.

Q-MS School 2021 attendance (virtual and in person)

All the lectures were recorded and posted on the school website, accessible at any time for registered and non-registered participants. The school was sponsored by Psi-k and the National Science Foundation (CSSI and CHE programs) under awards #1931479 and #1945139. Continue reading Report on the Q-MS School 2021

Report on the Virtual Psi-k GreenALM Hands-on Tutorial 2021

GreenALM LogoGreenALM_2021_Logos_InstitutionsThe virtual Psi-k GreenALM Hands-on Tutorial 2021 took place from Oct. 11-14, 2021 in virtual form ( It was organized by the Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH ( together with the team from the Vienna Scientific Cluster and Co-organizers from KTH Stockholm and Montanuniversität Leoben and was additionally funded by Psi-k and EuroCC Austria. Continue reading Report on the Virtual Psi-k GreenALM Hands-on Tutorial 2021

Recent developments in quantum Monte Carlo


QMC-RD workshop logo

Location: Rome, Italy
Dates: Oct 21-22, 2021
Organisers: Fabio Affinito, Giovanni Bachelet, Lilia Boeri, David Ceperley, Irene Iacuitto, Gaetano Senatore

With advances in algorithms and growing computing power, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods have become a powerful tool for the description of a variety of quantum fluids and a viable alternative for high-accuracy calculations of the electronic structure of many atoms, molecules and solids. They are, however, at a less mature stage than today’s ready-for-use quantum-chemistry or density-functional packages: while the production of results on a variety of quantum many-body systems has been going on for at least three decades, a significant effort is still devoted to research and development of methods and algorithms, including real-time dynamics, super-accurate optimization strategies for trial wavefunctions and molecular structures, inputs for the density functional theory of van der Waals forces, and eventually neural networks which at least for small molecular systems seem to improve the accuracy of variational quantum Monte Carlo to the point where it outperforms other ab-initio quantum chemistry methods.

QMC-RD workshop group picture, Oct. 21, 2021, Rome, Italy
QMC-RD workshop group picture in front of the Enrico Fermi Research Center of via Panisperna, Rome, Italy, where the workshop was held on October 21-22, 2021.

Continue reading Recent developments in quantum Monte Carlo


Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics 

14-16 June 2021, online 

The “Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics” workshop was held online from June 14 to June 16, 2021. 

The workshop was attended by 81 participants The total number of participants is 81 coming from 16 countries, as specified: Italy: 42; United States of America: 8; Germany: 7; India: 6; United Kingdom: 3; Poland: 3; Netherlands: 2; Austria: 2; Hungary: 1; Czech Republic: 1; Cameroon: 1; China: 1; Belgium: 1; France: 1; Israel: 1; Egypt: 1.

14 participants were invited speakers, 17 were contributing speakers, 3 were members of the CT4OPTO scientific committee, and 3 of the organizing committee. The event was organized by the Institute Nanoscience of the National Research Council of Italy, the University of L’Aquila and the University of Southern California. The event was sponsored by Psi-k, received the patronage of Cecam-IT-Simul, and was supported by Gruppo Alchimie for technical assistance.  Continue reading PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT-INDUCED CHARGE TRANSFER FOR OPTOGENETICS

Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes

The workshop Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes was held in Lausanne February 17 2020 to February 28 2020. It was joined by 21 participants from a large fraction of the electronic structure codes. We had an initial 2 day discussion round followed by coding sessions for 10 days. Discussions were focused on how ESL should proceed in the future and we invite all to join our monthly meetings for a chat, contact us at esl <at> for more information.

Sponsors: CECAM and Psi-K

The workshop was a continuation of a series of workshops in the ESL spirit, see here focused on integrating currently available ESL libraries into existing electronic structure codes.
Some of the goals achieved were:

  • Integration of Psolver into Octopus and SIESTA
  • Improving ESL bundle usability and maintainability. Patches for packages part of the ESL bundle improved the bundles capacity to build more easily.
  • Several bugs found in packages were reported up stream which will eventually go down to the bundle packages (temporary patches are distributed with the ESL bundle).
  • Ensured OMM package has an official release.
  • ELSI-RCI was fully integrated into DFTB+
  • FHI-AIMS integration with LibXC was greatly improved and MGGA can now be used.
  • Preparation of two more ESL bundle packages, abinit-common and libPAW
  • Expand the collaborations of the ESL towards more DFT codes and methodologies

Workshop details, such as the program, participant list and organizers may be found here. The final report will be made available here (not currently available, but will be once a follow-up meeting has finished).