Volker Heine Young Investigator Award


Congratulations to Bingqing Cheng, winner of the 5th Volker Heine Young Investigator Award. Her outstanding talk made her pioneering work  in the field of machine learning interatomic potentials and applications to phase diagrams accessible to a broad audience, and it reflected the breadth and impact of her contributions.

Message from Volker Heine (Psi-k’s first chairman):

Congratulations to all of the finalists and congratulations to all the other applicants with their research! Let us celebrate all who take part in Psi-k to keep it going, and who help fund the Award, and contribute to all the Psi-k activities without any official funding beyond STFC’s administration.

Volker Heine Young Investigator Award Ceremony

Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to invite you to the

Volker Heine Young Investigator Award Ceremony

September 9, 14:00-17:00 CEST


The ceremony will feature presentations by the five selected finalists, with the following schedule:

  1. 14:00 — Welcome and introduction
  2. 14:15 — Bingqing Cheng, University of Cambridge, UK
    Predicting material properties with the help of machine learning
  3. 14:45 — Johannes Flick, Flatiron Institute, NY, USA
    Strong light-matter coupling in molecular and extended systems from first principles
  4. 15:15 — (break)
  5. 15:30 — Federico Grasselli, EPFL, CH
    Invariance principles and topology in the ab initio charge transport of ionic fluids
  6. 16:00 — Lionel Lacombe, Rutgers University, USA
    The exact factorization approach: From strongly correlated electrons to polaritonic chemistry
  7. 16:30 — Tianyu Zhu, California Institute of Technology, USA
    Full Cell Quantum Embedding for Correlated Materials
  8. 17:00 — End

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