IWCE2018, the International Workshop on Computational Electrochemistry, was held from 9th to 12th of July 2018 at Aalto University, in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Finland).
The workshop consisted of a one-day tutorial with invited lectures followed by three days of scientific presentations and discussions. Information about the topics covered, the program and the invited speakers can be found on the workshop web site.
The first NOMAD (Novel Materials Discovery) summer school, called NOMAD Summer, a Hands-on Course on Tools for Novel Materials Discovery was held from September 25 – 29, 2017, in Berlin, Germany. Being fully dedicated to data-driven research, it was the first of this kind world-wide and as such got a lot of attention. This workshop did not only demonstrate NOMAD’s achievements, but also taught the usage of the wide range of NOMAD tools, in order to take advantage of these developments and the large amount of data gathered by this project. The eight sessions were organized by topics, covering
Data repositories
NOMAD Encyclopedia
Advanced Graphics
High-throughput calculations & data quality
Data analytics (four sessions)
Each of the sessions started with talks, giving scientific insight and preparing the ground for the following hands-on sessions. The availability of on-site computing resources and many tutors ensured the best possible assistance for the attendees. The easy handling of the NOMAD tools was also strongly enhanced by relying on NOMAD’s concept for its infrastructure, which neither needs any installations or preparations on the clients’ computers, nor any other (even user-friendly) state of the art tool (like e.g. Jupyter notebooks).