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Open invitation to a general Psi-k Community Mee ... (No replies)

3 years ago
marzari 3 years ago

Dear Psi-k'ers,

every year there is a meeting in November for the Psi-k Trustees, Scientific Advisory Council, and Working Group leaders (you can find them all in the "People" drop down menu at https://psi-k.net/), to discuss Psi-k activities, plans, and modes of operation, and to discuss funding for the proposals that have been submitted (Psi-k typically funds ~30 activities every year). 

This year is special, to put it mildly, but it also offers the opportunity to broaden the discourse, to reach out to those that are less familiar with Psi-k operations, and to illustrate and discuss with the community at large our activities and modes of engagement - from submitting proposals, to becoming involved in the community, to supporting its activities - all to help our field thrive.

Our mission statement is on the landing page - https://psi-k.net/ - and this mailing list goes to 6000+ members worldwide - so this is a chance to learn more and to ask any questions you might have.

So, for all these reasons we are organizing an open webinar on Zoom on Nov 27 2020 at 2pm CET - this is Central European Time (you can translate it here https://time.is/CET); hopefully convenient for many, and with apologies to all our antipodal cousins where it will be night.

The webinar link, that you are also welcome to share, is: https://ukri.zoom.us/s/91341292474

All the Trustees will be present, and we'll go through a brief history of Psi-k, a presentation of its activities and governing bodies (also announcing the new Chair!), and Q&A - this will be done in the chat, to keep some moderation, but we hope to answer to you all.

Looking very much forward to this meeting!

Nicola Marzari (Psi-k Chair)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials