Category Archives: Announcements

TREX School on QMC with TurboRVB – 04-08 July, Trieste, Italy

We are inviting young students/researchers to the 2nd edition of TREX school on QMC with TurboRVB, organised Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) and TREX project.

The School will be held from 04-08 July 2022 in Trieste, Italy at Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) where you will get the chance to attend keynotes presentations, lectures, and hands-on tutorials and applications coming from our HPC experts within the TREX project.

Why should you join the School?

  • The TREX project is offering participants free lodging, coffee breaks, lunch breaks and a social dinner during the School. This will be the perfect occasion to meet your peers and colleagues in person, share experiences and learn more about QMC methods.
  • Participants are invited to submit their poster contributions and present results and ongoing activities at the TREX School. The best poster winners will get the opportunity to be financed as visiting students for one week: one winner will be visiting the SISSA in Trieste (IT) and another winner the CNRS in Paris (FR), with food and accommodation provided by the TREX project.  Please fill out the online form to submit a poster.  The deadline for poster submission is 26 June 2022 at 17:00 CEST.
  • Get the chance to explore beautiful Trieste, top-ranked in Italy for its quality of life, and to discover this town renowned for its scientific institutions. TREX project is not covering participant’s travel costs.

Important Dates

  • Registration is open until 24 June 2022, 17:00 CEST
  • Selected participants will be announced immediately right after the completion of each registration
  • Submission for the Call for Poster is until 26 June 2022, 17:00 CEST


CECAM Psi-k Research Conference 2023

Interested in promoting discussion and fostering collaborations in research areas of broad mutual interest for CECAM and Psi-k?

Submit your expression of interest to organize a CECAM Psi-k Research Conference in 2023 by filling the simple form at:

Deadline for submission of the expression of interest: 4 September 2022

Diversity (specific expertise in simulation and modelling, geographical, gender, career stage…) and interdisciplinarity among organisers and participants are key evaluation criteria.

The CECAM Psi-k Research Conference is a forum to explore and foster progress in exciting new topics and open questions of interest to different communities in simulation and modeling, rather than another opportunity to showcase consolidated research. The proposed duration and format of the event should reflect this spirit, with ample time set aside for common discussions and informal exchanges.

Details of previous CECAM Psi-k Research Conferences can be found online.

If selected for further evaluation, you will be invited to submit a full proposal – format similar to previous years – at the end of September 2022, with a deadline for submission on 31 October 2022.

Last chance to register for the QMC Hands-on summer Wokshop – 20-23.06.2022

This is the final call to register to the QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop, organised by TREX project, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Institute of Physics SAS (IPSAS) and National Competence Centre for High-Performance Computing (NCHPC).


Important Dates:
  • Registration is open until 26 May 2022, 17:00 CEST
  • Selected participants will be announced on 30 May 2022.
  • Submission for the Call for Poster is open until 19 June 2022, 17:00 CEST

If you have not made up your mind yet about attending the QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop, take a look at the sessions’ descriptions and call for posters.

Selected students attending physically the event will take part in the TREX poster competition.
The winner will be offered the possibility to become a visiting student for one week at the  Institute of Physics SAS in Slovakia with accommodation covered by the TREX project.

Psi-k Funding Call 2023-24 – NOW OPEN!!!

Psi-k  is a worldwide network of researchers working on the advancement of  first-principles computational materials science. Its mission is to  develop fundamental theory, algorithms, and computer codes in order to  understand, predict, and design materials properties and functions. Key  activities of Psi-k are the organization of conferences, workshops,  tutorials and training schools as well as the dissemination of  scientific thinking in society [Excerpt from the mission statement at ].

Psi-k typically funds schools (1-2 weeks), workshops (2-3 days), international conferences (2-5 days), and codes/methods tutorials (3 days-1 week), with a focus on electronic-structure methods,  developments, and applications. Funding is of the order of  4,000/8,000/12,000 €, depending on size and duration (as a guideline, 30  €/expected participant/day); Psi-k funds around 25-35 activities for every call (see here  for the 2022-23 activities).

For this coming round, we are particularly keen to support activities that benefit PhD students and early career researchers, who have missed out on in-person events during the pandemic – schools and tutorials in particular. We also continue to encourage the ingenious development of remote delivery methods where appropriate, to widen the benefit of our activities to groups where the cost of in-person attendance may be a barrier.

We  have a two-step application process to simplify and streamline  applications, elicit more original proposals, improve planning, and avoid duplication of efforts. The present call for outline proposals is for events that will take place between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

Outline proposals should be submitted online  by Monday 18 July 2022 (midnight UK time), describing the planned event (download a draft of the form to see a preview of the questions that you will be asked here). Psi-k Working Groups ( ) and Trustees ( will either approve this outline proposal for full submission, reject it,  or suggest a merger between different activities – you are very welcome  to contact the relevant Working Group leaders or members beforehand.

Feedback will be provided the week of Monday 19 September 2022.  Outline proposals that have been approved or mergers that have been successfully negotiated will then be invited to submit a full proposal by Monday 17 October 2022. These proposals will then be  evaluated and approved – with full or partial funding – or declined at  the meeting of the Trustees, Scientific Advisory Committee ( and Working Group leaders on Friday 25 November 2022.

The evaluation of the outline proposals and full proposals will be based on

  • the relevance to the Psi-k mission statement;
  • the scientific quality of the proposal;
  • the intellectual inclusivity, geographical spread and diversity of the proposed participants, including efforts to widen participation beyond established groups;
  • the scientific merit, geographical spread and diversity of the organizers; and
  • the appropriateness of budget


  • in case of events that can interest different Working Groups please name the primary Working Group and then any related groups
  • if the event does not relate to any current Working Group, applicants should contact in advance Psi-k at [email protected].



Psi-k Conference 2022

Dear Psi-k,

Following on from our email last month, we are excited to share some news about our whole-community Psi-k 2022 Conference in August.

Now that Switzerland has relaxed all restrictions on travel and events, and with the situation generally improving, the Board of Trustees has decided to proceed with a fully in-person event as planned for 22-25 August 2022.

We intend to open the registration system for discounted early-bird rates in the second half of March.

With 7 plenary talks and 42 symposia accommodating 130 invited talks and open slots for over 180 contributed talks, we are very much looking forward to this opportunity to meet in person to exchange scientific ideas, to make new connections and to renew old ones. In particular we believe that this will be important for early career researchers and PhD students, for whom the pandemic has been very disruptive.

All information is on the conference web site:

Warmest wishes,

Nicola Marzari, Psi-k 2022 Conference Chair
Peter Haynes, Chair of Trustees

Psi-k Conference 2022 – UPDATE

Dear Psi-k

We hope that you have had a good start to 2022 and are looking forward to more in-person scientific interactions this year.

In particular we have published our programme of workshops on our web site:

The highlight is of course our whole-community Psi-k Conference in August. We are very encouraged by the positive feedback from the community meeting in November and our Scientific Advisory Committee and are continuing with prudent plans to hold this Conference in person in Lausanne: 22-25 August. We will of course monitor the COVID-19 situation internationally, but at the moment the outlook appears promising in spite of the omicron variant. In particular, meeting in person will be important for the PhD students and early-career researchers in our community.

Please do keep a look out for further announcements about registration – information can be found on the conference web site:

Best wishes,

Peter Haynes
Chair of Psi-k Trustees

Nicola Marzari
Chair of Psi-k Conference 2022

Psi-k Community Meeting 2021

Dear Psi-k,

Last year the pandemic prompted us to organise the first Psi-k community meeting online, which aimed to reach a wide audience and discuss our activities and modes of engagement – from submitting proposals, to becoming involved in the community, to supporting its activities – all to help our field thrive.

The positive feedback and experience last year has encouraged us to organise another meeting as an open webinar on Zoom on Friday 26 November 2021 at 2pm CET – this is Central European Time (you can translate it here:; hopefully convenient for many, and with apologies to those for whom it is not.

The webinar link, that you are also welcome to share, is:

The Psi-k Trustees will be present, and a short presentation will provide an update on developments over the last year and preview of future plans, notably the Psi-k Conference, which we expect to be held in person in Lausanne, 22-25 August 2022. This will be followed by Q&A and discussion that I hope will be as lively and constructive as last year.

I very much look forward to sharing our news and discussing our plans with you.

Peter Haynes (Psi-k Chair)