Title: Emerging Technologies in Scientific Data Visualisation
Location: CECAM-IT-SISSA-SNS Node, in Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)
Webpage with list of participants, schedule and abstracts of presentations: https://www.cecam.org/workshop-1586.html
Dates: April 4, 2018 to April 6, 2018
Stefano de Gironcoli (International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and CNR-DEMOCRITOS IOM, Trieste, Italy)
Emine Kucukbenli (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Giordano Mancini (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
Monica Sanna (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
State of the art:
Visualisation allows us to tap into high-bandwidth cognitive hierarchies of our brains and allows us to process high densities of information at once. In the field of atomistic and molecular simulations, it is a key element to research: we use ball-and-stick figures to represent the simulation scenarios, graphs to recognize or communicate parametric relationships of equations. The “Big Data” trend gave rise to several projects with vast output of data, many data-driven approaches are being introduced. For instance, a new EU Center of Excellence, “NOMAD”, is established to collect, store and regularize data to build a materials encyclopedia. Continue reading Report on CECAM Workshop: “Emerging Technologies in Scientific Data Visualisation”.