All posts by jlischner

Report about workshop “Twistronics of 2D materials: from modelling to real systems”


The workshop took place from Sept. 20-22, 2023 at the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester. A total of 116 scientists registered for the workshop in addition to the 15 invited speakers and the two workshop organizers (Prof. Vladimir Falko and Prof. Johannes Lischner). Out of the 116 registered attendees, 45 attended the workshop in person while the others attended the live broadcast of the talks which was delivered as a zoom webinar. The workshop featured a mix of invited speakers (15 in total) who delivered 30 minute presentations and contributed speakers (15 in total) who deliver 20 minute presentations. In addition, poster sessions were held during lunch breaks on Sept. 20 and Sept. 22. In addition to the support from Psi-k, the workshop received financial support from the Royce Institute and the CCP9 network.

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