6th school and workshop on time-dependent density functional theory: prospects and applications , 5-17 January, Benasque, Spain (Final report ).
International workshop on computational physics and materials science: total energy and force methods, 15-17 January, Trieste, Italy (Final report ).
TRNM VII – Towards reality in nanoscale materials: energy materials , 10-12 February, Levi, Finland (Final report ).
School for the LDA and quasiparticle self-consistent GW approximations based on all-electron methods , 17-19 March, Daresbury, UK
Yambo2014 hands-on tutorial on excited state spectroscopy: GW and BSE using the Yambo code , 7-9 May, Rome, Italy (Final report ).
ETSF young researchers’ meeting 2014: evolution of ab initio methods for condensed matter , 13-16 May, Rome, Italy (Final report ).
Materials challenges in devices for fuel solar production and employment , 19-23 May, Trieste, Italy (Final report ).
Catalysis from first principles (Cat1P): Heterogeneous catalysis meets electrocatalysis , 25-28 May, Castle Reisenburg (Final report ).
White nights of materials science: From physics and chemistry to data analysis, and back , 16-20 June, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Final report ).
What about U? – Corrective approaches to DFT for strongly-correlated systems , 18-21 June, Lausanne, Switzerland (Final report ).
Workshop on nanostructured zinc oxide and related materials , 23-27 June, Bremen, Germany
Strong electron-correlation effects in complex d- and f-based magnetic materials for technological application , 30 June – 2 July, Prague, Czech Republic (Final report ).
(Towards) room temperature superconductivity , 1-5 July, Leiden, Germany (Final report ).
WIEN2k workshop and international conference on advanced materials modelling (ICAMM) , 2-9 July, Nantes, France
Magnetism, superconductivity and electron correlations: celebrating the contributions and scientific legacy of Balazs Gyorffy, 19-22 July, Bristol, UK (Final report ).
Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps IX / Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program IX , 26 July – 10 August, Apuan Alps Centre for Physics, Italy (Final report ).
HoW exciting! Hands-on workshop on excitations in solids 2014 , 31 July – 7 August, Berlin, Germany (Final report ).
CAMD summer school on electronic structure theory and applications , 16-28 August, Denmark (Final report ).
FHI-aims developers’ and users’ meeting , 19-22 August, Berlin, Germany (Final report ).
Addressing challenges for first-principles-based modelling of molecular materials , 25-29 August, Lausanne, Switzerland (Final report ).
52nd European high-pressure research group international meeting , 7-12 September, Lyon, France (Final report ).
3rd TYC energy materials workshop: materials for electrochemical energy storage , 10-12 September, London, UK (Final report ).
2014 EMRS fall meeting symposium: “Computer modelling in nanoscience and nanotechnology: an atomic-sc “, 15-19 September, Warsaw, Poland
Ab initio modelling and experimental studies of adaptive d- and f-electron magnetic materials, 15-17 September, Chester OR Warwick, UK
19th ETSF workshop on electronic excitations: complex systems in biology and nanoscience , 23-26 September, Zaragoza, Spain (Final report ).
High performance models for charge transport in large scale materials systems and tutorial hands-on , 5 October – 11 November, Bremen, Germany (Final report ).
Psi-k/CECAM research conference “Frontiers of first-principles simulations: materials design and discovery” , 1-5 February 2015, Berlin, Germany
Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials