Psi-k Workshop Funding 2020 – only 2 days left to submit!

*** FINAL CALL*** There are only 2 days remaining to submit your funding pre-proposals for workshops between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. The deadline for pre-proposals is this Friday, 30 August!

Herewith we solicit for proposals for activities in the field of electronic-structure theory and calculations to be held between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021, to be funded (in full/partially) by the Psi-k Network and Charity.

Please note: for this year only events that take place between mid-August and mid-October 2020 will NOT be considered for funding to avoid a clash with the Psi-k Conference that will take place in Lausanne, September 2020.

Psi-k has introduced a two-step application process, to improve planning and avoid duplication of efforts.

First, a pre-proposal should be submitted by Friday 30 August 2019 (midnight CEST), describing the planned event. The working groups ( will either approve this pre-proposal for full submission, reject it, or suggest a merger between different activities – you are very welcome to contact the working group leaders or members beforehand. Continue reading Psi-k Workshop Funding 2020 – only 2 days left to submit!

Combined events “ABINIT developer workshop” and “workshop on precision quantification in DFT” – Report

20-24 May 2019, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium.

In order to benefit from an interesting synergy, the Abinit developer (ABIDEV) workshop 20-22/5/2019, and the workshop on precision quantification in DFT (PQ-DFT) 23-24/5/2019 were organized one after the other, in Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium. Both events attracted together more than 80  people, who attended the joint social dinner, on the evening of Wednesday 22 May.

A brief account of the ABIDEV workshop is now given, followed by the one of the PQ-DFT workshop. Links to the programs, the abstracts, the videos, the lists of participants are mentioned in the text. Group pictures  are presented at the bottom. Continue reading Combined events “ABINIT developer workshop” and “workshop on precision quantification in DFT” – Report

Young Researcher’s Workshop on Machine Learning for Material Science 2019 – report

The Young Researcher’s Workshop on Machine Learning for Material Science took place in the Aalto Design Factory, Espoo, Finland on date 06th-10th/05/2019. Workshop programme, abstract book, and workshop material (i.e. tutorial material, registration of talks and slides) for download can be found at

Below we resume the highlight of the event.


The first two days of the workshop involved introductory talks and a one-day long hands-on tutorial session. The aim of this initial workshop programme was to bestow the attendees with a pedagogical and practical introduction to the most established tools and techniques exploiting machine learning algorithms employed to solve outstanding problems in physical chemistry and chemical science.

On Monday, Dr. Luca Giringhelli introduced the attendees to the nuances of material space exploration via regularized and symbolic regression, together with a didactical intro on both supervised and unsupervised learning. The key role of descriptors that need to capture the complexity of the physical system under scrutiny was highlighted. A state of the art application to the agnostic and insightful classification of binary compounds was presented. The topics of open science, reproducibility and good use of repositories were also tackled in detail. Continue reading Young Researcher’s Workshop on Machine Learning for Material Science 2019 – report

3rd Daresbury QUESTAAL School

Daresbury Laboratory, UK, 13-17 May 2019


Daresbury: Leon Petit, Jerome Jackson, Martin Lüders

King’s College London: Mark van Schilfgaarde, Dimitar Pashov

The third Questaal school concentrated on qsGW and DMFT using the code’s new interface to the TRIQS library.  A series of tutorials enabled the 31 participants (mostly post-doctoral researchers and lecturers) to setup and run calculations starting from density functional theory and working up to GW, qsGW, LDA + Bethe Salpeter (BSE), or the inclusion of ladder diagrams in W: qsGW^BSE, and DMFT.  The participants were encouraged to experiment with a diverse range of materials, including itinerant magnets, f-electron systems, simple semiconductors and strongly correlated insulators.

In addition to the new TRIQS DMFT capability, the school also showcased recent developments in extending the GW self-energy by including phonon contributions and the first results of the new “Jigsaw Puzzle Orbital” basis, which is a full-potential analogue of the LMTO screening transformation which is short ranged and compact while still very precise. Continue reading 3rd Daresbury QUESTAAL School

Report on Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction: Exploring the Mendeleev Table as a Palette to Design New Materials

Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction: Exploring the Mendeleev Table as a Palette to Design New Materials

ICTP, Trieste, 14-18 January 2019

Final report

Thanks to enormous progress in computing power and in algorithm development, we are now closer to being able to predict the crystal structure of any material from the simple knowledge of its composition. This is the first necessary step for predicting in silico the property of a material, and planning modifications that could improve these properties. A critical discussion of the algorithms developed in the last years for the “in silico” prediction of crystal structures was the main theme of a workshop that took place at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste, Italy,  from 14 to 18 January 2019. The event, titled “Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction: Exploring the Mendeleev Table as a Palette to Design New Materials”, focused in particular on approaches based on molecular modeling and was an opportunity to celebrate 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table, since crystal structure prediction is rooted in a deep knowledge of the properties of the atoms, and, in turn, numerous discoveries made with the help of crystal structure prediction, reveal new (often completely unexpected) sides of the behavior of the atoms. The Workshop was directed by the A. Laio, G. Desiraju, A. Oganov, and S. Scandolo. It was divided in two parts: the first three days were dedicated to an in-depth and critical discussion of the methods, with talks given by world experts in the field. The last two days were devoted to “hands-on” computer labs were the younger participants were given the opportunity to learn how to use the most advanced codes for crystal structure prediction, including the “Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography” (USPEX) and the “Ab initio Random Structure Searching” (AIRSS). Continue reading Report on Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction: Exploring the Mendeleev Table as a Palette to Design New Materials

Writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science

EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland),  May 21-24, 2019

Today, many open questions in computational science call for more than individual computations using a single code. As the demand for integration and throughput increases, the skill of writing robust and reproducible workflows is becoming ever more important. In this context, the move towards open science raises the level of scrutiny and demands that workflows be recorded in a way that can be inspected and reused by scientific peers.

This hands-on tutorial introduced young researchers to writing reproducible computational workflows using the open-source AiiDA framework for workflow management and provenance tracking (http://​, complemented by invited talks from experts in the field that highlight the power and the challenges involved with leveraging complex workflows in computational materials science.

Continue reading Writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science