College on Multiscale Computational Modeling of Materials for Energy Application

From the 4th to the 15th July, over 90 scientists from 30 countries have gathered at the Abdus Salam ICTP in Trieste, Italy, to attend the College on Multiscale Computational Modeling of Materials for Energy Applications. This college had the goal to put together experts in multiscale modeling from the atomistic scale up to the macroscopic continuum. The idea is that multiscale modeling is necessary because of mutual interdependence of processes taking place at very different length and time scales. Therefore, only a multiscale approach is able to provide insight into the effect of microscopic processes on the actual device performance and stability, and to provide understanding and guidance relevant to process and device optimization, also in an industrial context.

The college consisted of theoretical lectures on the computational methods, hands-on sessions to get practically acquainted with techniques and codes, seminars on current materials challenges in the energy sector held by leading experts from academia and industry, and seminars on career development.

Continue reading College on Multiscale Computational Modeling of Materials for Energy Application

13th ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting (London)


For 13 years now ETSF has encouraged young researchers to take part in the ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting (YRM). This event which is organised by young researchers for young researchers made its way to London for the first time, as always the high standard of talks encouraged much debate and discussion among the attendees while enjoying all that London has to offer (for a brief moment we had some sun too!!!).

Continue reading 13th ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting (London)

Call for Psi-k Workshop Proposals 2017

Herewith we solicit for proposals for workshops, small conferences, hands-on tutorials and summer schools in the field of electronic-structure theory and calculations to be held between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018, to be partially funded by the Psi-k Network and Charity.

Submission of Proposals

– The deadline for the proposals is Friday, October 14, 2016.
– The applications should be submitted on-line using the link
– The applications should contain the following information: proposal title, scientific summary and abstract, programme outline,  tentative budget, CV(s) of the organiser(s), a provisional list of speakers/participants, and connection to Psi-k Working Group(s).
– A template for your proposal is available here – WORD / PDF. Applications will only be accepted if submitted using this official template.
– The  applications will be reviewed, and the funding decisions will be made in December 2016 by the Psi-k Scientific Advisory Committee and the Psi-k Board.

Working Group Connections

The Psi-k Working Groups represent the core of the Psi-k activities. Each Working Group has a Coordination Committee of experienced scientists in the field, headed by the Spokesperson. The Psi-k Working Groups, their Spokespersons and the Coordination Committee members are listed on the Psi-k website ( If you plan to organize an activity in the field of one of the Working Groups, please contact the spokesperson and/or the committee members.

Training activities and interdisciplinary workshop activities such as Industry Workshops can be exempted from this requirement, if justified in the proposal.

Collaboration with CECAM

As in past years, we encourage applications for joint CECAM/ Psi-k Workshops as well as CECAM/Psi-k Tutorials for electronic-structure methods and applications.

With best regards,

Risto Nieminen
Psi-k Chairman

Peter Dederichs
Psi-k Financial Officer