All posts by ebousq

Report on “ABINIT school on ground state and linear response properties”

Location: Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic


Dates: 2-9 September 2019.

Organizers: Eric Bousquet (University of Liège), Jiří Hlinka (Institute of Physics, Czech Acad. Sci.), Sabine Koerbel (Trinity College Dublin), Ladislav Kalvoda (Czech Technical University), Marek Paściak (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Science), Pavel Márton (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Science).

Sponsors: Psi-k Network, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, University of Liège and Czech Technical University.

The goal of this ABINIT school was to teach the capabilities of the code related to ground state crystal structures (electronic density, structure relaxation, collinear and non-collinear magnetism, polarization from Berry phase, NEB, MD), response to external fields (electric and displacement field, Zeeman magnetic field) and properties obtained from linear response density functional perturbation theory (DFPT: phonons, dielectric constant, elastic and piezoelectric constants, Born effective charges, non-linear electro-optical coefficients, Raman intensities). New postprocessing techniques and tools were also tough (qAgate, Abipy, phonon projections), a preliminary introduction to the MULTIBINIT second-principles code developed aside to ABINIT to perform larger scale MD and parallelization of the code were also given. Continue reading Report on “ABINIT school on ground state and linear response properties”