ETSF YRM 2021 — September 6-10, Cagliari (Italy).
The Young Researchers’ Meeting (YRM) of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) is an annual meeting which involves researchers in theoretical materials science at the early stages of their careers (i.e. PhD students and post-doctoral researchers).
ETSF YRM 2021 took place in Cagliari (Italy), in the frame of the wonderful and unique landscape of Sardinia. The conference has been held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture, in the spectacular setting of Collegio dei Gesuiti, an historical building dating back to the 17th century. Because of the sanitary crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic, and because of the consequent necessity to maintain security distances, the number of participants was restricted. However, in order to give to all the applicants the possibility to attend the meeting, all the talks were broadcast via Zoom.
The YRM of ETSF aims to give to young researchers the opportunity to present their work and to share their knowledge in state-of-the-art theoretical methods for solid state physics, in an informal context which stimulates networking and exchange between peers. It also promotes meeting between young researchers and private companies interested in profiles with a strong scientific backgrounds. To this purpose, one of the session of the conference hosted some former researchers now working out of academia, which shared with the participants their experiences.
The meeting hosted five different sessions dealing with specific topics and approaches: the first session has been devoted to new methods in density-functional theory and Green’s function-based methods aimed to tackle the problem of excited states; the second session focused on strongly correlated materials; in the third session we moved to vibrational properties and to their effect on the optical response of materials; during the fourth session we dealt with neutral excitations and optical properties of materials; finally, the fifth and last session was dedicated to multiscale modelling. Each session had one or two invited talks of the duration of 45 minutes each, plus 15 minutes for questions and discussion. Invited talks were followed by a series of contributed talks from the participants of 20 minutes (of which 15 for the presentation and 5 for questions). Finally also a poster session was held were the participants had also the chance to interact individually with the invited speakers.
Day 1
- Invited speakers: Nicola Colonna, Yaroslav Kvashnin
- Contributed speakers: Dario Leon, Tommaso Chiarotti, Simone Vacondio, Laura Caputo, Nourdine Zibouche, Lorenzo Mariano, Guido Falk Von Rudorff, Ayoub Aouina, Gabriele Riva
Day 2
- Invited speakers: Konstanze Hahn, Fulvio Paleari
- Contributed speakers: Romain Claes, Abdallah El Sahili, Indrajit Maity, Norma Rivano, Kevin Lively, Francesco Libbi, Sara Postorino, Julien Bouquiaux
Day 3
- Invited speakers: Nicolas Tancogne-Dejean
- Contributed speakers: Vitaly Gorelov, Lyudmyla Adamska, Miki Bonacci, Pierre Lechifflart, Stefan Rost, Pedro Melo, Kalyani Chordiya, Riccardo Reho
Day 4
- Invited speakers: Anna Galler
- Contributed speakers: Miguel Escobar Azor, Maria Chatzieleftheriou, Giacomo Sesti, Roberto Orlando, Alberto Guandalini
Day 5
- Invited speakers: Bingqing Cheng
- Contributed speakers: Loris Ercole, Massimiliano Comin, Pierre-Paul De Breuck, Thomas Baker
The book of abstracts can be found here.
Additionally the conference had a poster session on Tuesday afternoon and an industry session on Thursday where Dr. Nicole Holzmann Riverdale, and Maja Berović (organizer of the ETSF YRM 2019) spoke about their careers out of academia. Finally on Thursday afternoon the Volker Heine Ceremony was broadcasted in the conference hall to give the chance to the participants to follow the presentations of the five finalists.
The winners of the best poster award, voted by the invited speakers and the participants, were respectively: Alam Osorio, for the poster titled “Towards the electronic density response of borophene polymorphs”, and Jörn Stöhler for the poster titled “Implementation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the SPEX code”.
Maria Chatzieleftheriou, ESPCI Paris
Riccardo De Gennaro, EPFL
Aleksei Ivanov, University of Iceland
Stefano Mazzei, École Polytechnique
Shalu Rani, École Polytechnique
Further details
The full report can be found here.
For more info and other pictures of the conference please visit the website.