Nanoscale structures (2D, 1D, 0D) and related phenomena

A Psi-k working group forum

2 Yrs Postdoc - frictionless water flow in carbo ... (No replies)

9 months ago
ambroset 9 months ago
A remarkable discovery in our group: superfluidity can be generalized outside standard superfluids, allowing for frictionless He flow through narrow carbon nanotubes.
Just accepted on PRL -- See:
The scope of the announced postdoctoral research is to characterize in depth water flow in narrow nanotubes, extending the above superfluidity mechanism. The research has transversal character: it encompasses dynamical simulations, density functional theory, and analytical quantum mechanical calculations.
The ideal candidate should be expert in ab-initio electronic structure and dynamical simulations (possibly within Quantum Espresso), and should be able to perform analytical calculations as well. He/she will work at the physics and astronomy Dept. at University of Padova (Italy), in collaboration with experts in different fields.
Additional knowledge of force-field simulations methods is a plus.
For information please directly contact Dr. Alberto Ambrosetti (email: [email protected]).
The University of Padova is 800 years old, and hosted scientists of the caliber of Galileo Galilei. Its physics department constantly ranks among the best in Italy. Padova is conveniently situated in northern Italy, about 40 km away from Venice, and 80 km from Verona.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials