Molecules, macromolecules and biomolecules

A Psi-k working group forum

Post-doctoral position in computational biochemi ... (No replies)

10 months ago
AmrPhys 10 months ago

Post-doctoral position in computational biochemistry is available at Bar-Ilan University in the Tel-Aviv area in Israel.

The post-doc position can optionally include
an extended stay in the United States (University of Texas at Arlington and University of Oklahoma).

The research will focus on developing code for advanced multiscale docking simulations and applying multiscale methods to enzymes.

Applicants must have a PhD in chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, bio- informatics, or related fields.

The ideal candidate should meet the following
1) Experience in programming/scripting:
a) Python (experience required)
b) Linux scripting (experience required)
c) Fortran, C/C++ (preferred)
2) Extensive experience with advanced simulation packages (e.g., at least one of the following: CHARMM, Amber, NAMD, Gromacs)
3) Experience in ab initio/density functional calculations of biomolecules
4) Experience with machine learning techniques
5) Experience writing scientific articles
6) Within 3 years of receiving PhD degree (required)
7) Good interpersonal skills
8) Good command of English

The position is available immediately and is initially for 1 year with possibly extension upon mutual agreement.

Please send CV and cover letter to Prof. Dan T Major ([email protected])
General information:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials