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Two postdoctoral positions in Materials Informat ... (No replies)

Gian-Marco Rignanese
12 months ago
Gian-Marco Rignanese 12 months ago


Two postdoctoral positions are available in the research group of Gian-Marco Rignanese at UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) with an ideal starting date in October 2023 (later starting dates are negotiable depending on the candidate's availability). The contracts are for two years (renewed annually) with possible extensions.

The postdocs will be contributing to the development of a Materials Informatics Active-Learning Platform (MIALP) to design new electrocatalysts. The project will set up a multi-fidelity database gathering results from DFT and beyond simulations, as well as relying on machine-learned potentials. An active-learning approach will be adopted to train predictive and generative machine-learning models.

Job Requirements
The candidates should hold a PhD degree in Computer Science, Informatics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science with a demonstrated experience in machine learning and coding (Python). Experience with the VASP, CASTEP, Quantum ESPRESSO, or the ABINIT software is beneficial. Excellent knowledge of English is compulsory.
The postdoctoral researchers should have less than 6 years of postdoctoral experience and be in a mobility situation (not have recently worked in Belgium).  

Group and Location
The research group of Gian-Marco Rignanese is part of the Modelling (MODL) division of the Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN) at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). The campus is about 40 min away from Brussels by local train. The group has access to significant computational resources including national HPC (Lucia, CECI) and international ones (LUMI, EuroHPC).
The MODL division is composed of about 30+ researchers doing first-principles simulation, machine learning and high-throughput calculations.
The ABINIT and PseudoDojo initiative are coordinated by the MODL division and the lab is a contributor to the OPTIMADE consortium, EPW, and Materials Project.

Salary and Benefits
Salaries follow the legal scale for research positions in Belgium (indicatively around 3000€ for postdoc after taxes, depending on experience) and public transport to the workplace is (partially/fully) covered.
Working in Belgium includes many benefits such as affordable healthcare, social security, free education (primary and secondary school) and pension benefits (EU and assimilated countries).  

How to apply
Applicants should send their CV (pdf), a brief cover letter with a description of their coding and scientific achievements as well as contact information for two references letters (to be sent if shortlisted) to [email protected] and use [MIALP - NAME] in the subject of the email for sorting purposes.
Candidates will then be selected based on their application documents and a remote interview.  

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials