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Two Postdoc positions in computer simulations of ... (No replies)

Milan Predota
2 years ago
Milan Predota 2 years ago

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions at the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) in the group of Assoc. Prof. Milan Predota.

1) Postdoc position on a project “Capacitive Deionisation: Insights from Molecular Modelling” is available immediately and offered for a period till the end of 03/2024.

2) Postdoc position on a project “Computer modeling of nonlinear optics signals at interfaces is available immediately and offered for an initial period of one year with a possible (and anticipated) extension till 12/2024.

Description of the positions:
Both positions focus on classical molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous solutions in contact with solid (or soft-matter) surfaces, i.e. explore the different interfacial phenomena (e.g. adsorption, dynamics, transport properties, non-linear optics spectra) at the inhomogeneous regions forming the interfaces.
The research is focused on applying new techniques to study these interfaces, running simulations using common software packages (Gromacs, LAMMPS), but developing own codes used to post-process the trajectories and provide results that are not available using existing common packages.

Description of the workplace:
The University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) ranks among the top evaluated universities of the Czech Republic, with a leading research role of the Faculty of Science. It offers a stimulating international environment (more than 50% of Ph.D. students at the Faculty of Science come from abroad)

- Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related field
- Strong background in computational physics or chemistry
- Proficiency in classical molecular dynamics (best in Gromacs, LAMMPS) and/or ab initio calculations (best in CP2K, VASP)
- Proficiency in the programming of scientific codes (best in FORTRAN, C)
- Excellent communication skills and a career level-appropriate publication track record
- The ability to work independently and collaboratively in a research team

Detailed information about both positions and submission of applications is available using the links above. Review of applications begins immediately. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials