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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Two postdoc positions at CeNT UW, Warsaw - optoe ... (No replies)

2 years ago
sosella 2 years ago

At the Center of New Technology University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, we have a 2-year postdoc positions in the field of Computational Material Science / Condensed Matter Physics, to work on the project "Low-Dimensional Nano-Architectures for Light Emission and Light-to-Electricity Conversion":

One-year position is specifically for Ukrainian refugee scientists who had to flee their country due to the russian attach in February:

The calls are now opened for 1 month with instructions for the online application. Deadline: 23/05/2022

Candidate should possess a PhD in the field of Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Nanotechnology or related and she/he is expected to have experience in the usage of numerical methods for material modeling (e.g. density functional theory, molecular dynamics, etc.). Preference will be given to applicants with experience on: work experience in the field of computational chemistry; excellent oral/written communication skills in English; good knowledge of simulation of low dimensional systems and experience with multiscale simulation approach (i.e. MD, CG, QM/MM, QM) for electronic and transport properties analyses.

The monthly salary before taxes is approx 2200€. Health insurance is provided. Good quality of life can be maintained as Poland offers a relatively low cost of living.

A bureaucratic procedures for the recognition of the title will be necessary for the selected candidate. For this or any other information please contact: [email protected] (cc to: [email protected]) with the reference number CeNT-14-2022 in the subject of the e-mail (CeNT-19-2022 for Ukrainian call).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials