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Tuning of functional ferroelectric oxides: A sca ... (No replies)

4 years ago
anna_gruenebohm 4 years ago

The Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s leading universities. All important fields of research are located at one campus. The togetherness of different disciplines and their cultures offers excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations for researchers and students. The Ruhr area offers affordable prices for housing and a broad cultural program.

As of now, the Emmy-Noether group “Scale-bridging computational design of multifunctional ferroelectric composites” at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulations (ICAMS) offers a PhD position in the project “Tuning of functional ferroelectric oxides: A scale-bridging computational study on defects and inhomogeneities”.  
The project is part of an interdisciplinary international collaboration and a research stay in Canada is possible. In addition to the scientific questions, the focus is on application and development of  first-principles based methods.

The position is third party funded and does not have any formal teaching duties attached.Travel expenses for interviews cannot be refunded.

At Ruhr-Universität Bochum, we wish to promote careers of women in areas in which they are underrepresented, and we would therefore like to encourage female candidates to send us their applications. Applications by suitable candidates with severe disabilities and other applicants with equal legal status are likewise most welcome.

Your profile:
-master or diploma in condensed matter physics/chemistry/materials science or similar
-experience in modelling of materials on the atomistic and/or microstructure level
-excellent English skills
-ability to work independently and in an interdisciplinary team
-good programming skills in Python and knowledge in C, C++ or Fortran
Interested? Take your chance!
We are looking forward to your applications (cover letter, track record, references) via a single pdf send per e-mail to [email protected] .

deadline: 30/10/2020

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials