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The IRTG offers 1 PhD Position in molecular inte ... (No replies)

6 years ago
mari 6 years ago

The DFG-funded International Research Training Group “Cold Controlled Ensembles of Atoms and Molecules” at the University of Freiburg offers 1 PhD Position in molecular interactions in the presence of surfaces:

The theoretical project is aimed to study the influence of neighbouring surfaces on the configurations and electronic structure of molecular systems. Specifically inter-molecular interactions and the possibility of coupled electronic states depending on geometry shall be explored. The computational study is based on density functional theory (DFT) and might include development of the state of the art DFT-package GPAW. The project is in close collaboration to experimental and other theoretical groups within the IRTG.

We are looking for excellent MSc graduates with a strong background in theoretical and computational physics, in particular condensed matter physics. Experience in the development and implementation of numerical methods is advantageous.

The PhD program, a collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, offers dual supervision by researchers from both universities and an extended stay at the UBC in Vancouver. No tuition fees. The salary will be determined in accordance with TV-L E13 (75%).

Documents should be sent to [email protected] as a single pdf-file including a letter of motivation, a CV, a list of publications (if available), certificates of the university degree (with grades) and transcripts of record, master/diploma certificate (with grades) and the contact details of at least two referees. Applications should be submitted until November 15, 2018.

For further information, please contact PD Dr. Michael Walter: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials