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Software engineer position at CNRS/LRCS - Univer ... (No replies)

3 years ago
AAFranco 3 years ago

This software engineer position is part of a project funded by the CNRS and led by Prof. Alejandro A. Franco at Université de Picardie Jules Verne in the beautiful city of Amiens, France (LRCS, UMR CNRS 7314).

This project concerns the development of an innovative software solution based on artificial intelligence/machine learning applied to the optimization of electrochemical energy devices.
We are looking for a creative and motivated individual to contribute to the development of this software, to optimize it and to test it in close collaboration with the other members of the project team.

The software engineer's activities will concern:

- the development of the software based on scripts and codes already available at the laboratory;

- the development of an innovative graphical interface for the use of this software;

- integration of the software on a pre-industrial scale, its optimization and testing;

- regular reporting of results to the project manager, participation in project meetings, writing of reports.

The expected skills are:

- software engineering,
- computer science,
- data science, advanced statistics, artificial intelligence/machine learning,
- database management,
- creativity, dynamism, autonomy, spirit of initiative, team spirit,
- English read, spoken and written.

The work will be carried out at the Laboratory of Reactivity and Chemistry of Solids (UMR CNRS 7314). This laboratory specializes in the field of electrochemical energy storage (batteries) with experimental approaches (synthesis of materials, characterization and prototyping of batteries) and modeling (multiscale, artificial intelligence). The recruited engineer will work under the supervision of Prof. Alejandro A. Franco.

Position is for 1 year starting as soon as possible.

The software engineer will be exposed to a network of academic and industrial stakeholders. Depending on the personal motivations of the chosen person at the end of the position, opportunities for continuation in our laboratory as engineer or as a PhD student may open.

Do not miss the opportunity to work in an innovative project and in the world-class facilities of our laboratory !  Interested candidates, please send your CV, the contact details of 3 referees and your cover letter to Prof. Alejandro A. Franco ([email protected]).

Applications not referring in detail to this specific opening will not be responded.



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials