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Search for a PhD candidate to apply for the CSC ... (No replies)

1 year ago
Dromanin93 1 year ago
Thanks to an agreement with the China's Scholarship Council (CSC), the University of Paris-Saclay (France) offers fully funded scholarships to CHINESE students to carry out their PhD in C2N, Paris (France). The topic of the PhD project is: "Topology and low-dimensionality effects in thermoelectric materials"
Thermoelectric performance is evaluated by the ratio between electronic and thermal conduction properties: while the simultaneous optimization of electronic and thermal parameters is not easily feasible, low-dimensionality and topological states seem to be promising for the actual decoupling of these two aspects. The PhD project will exploit theoretical modeling and numerical simulations of topological and low-dimensional materials aiming at understanding their implications on thermoelectric properties (i.e. electronic structure, vibrational properties, electronic and thermal transport).
Candidates' profile:
We are looking for a student with a broad and fundamental knowledge in the fields of condensed matter physics or theoretical chemistry. The candidate should hold a M.Sc. in solid-state physics, theoretical chemistry or material science and have previous experience of first-principles softwares for material modeling. Specific experience with Matlab, Fortran, C++ and Python programming is an advantage. A good level in English is mandatory. 
Eligible candidates will apply for a 36 months PhD funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) at the University of Paris-Saclay.
For details about the CSC call, the application procedure and the recruitment requirements please refer to the following link:
The deadline for the proposal submission and pre-selection is January 22th, 2023, at 23:59.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials