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Postdoctorate and PhD positions for ab-initio el ... (No replies)

1 year ago
tamigold 1 year ago


A post doctorate and PhD positions are available at our quantum computational materials lab. The positions will focus on applying and developing electronic structure methods for 2D materials and nano-structures. In our lab, we are studying excited states and light matter interactions that can lead to exciting quantum phenomena. We want to understand the underlying electronic transfer mechanisms in such materials. These mechanisms govern the efficiency of optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, photo detectors and other.

The applicant will apply and develop ab-initio quantum chemistry electronic structure methods for periodic systems for accurate prediction of material properties. This will involve simulating electronic structure methods on nano-materials, as well as developing and implementing new methods for materials. We also have application projects using DFT based methods for simulating colloidal quantum dots spectra.


The positions are led by Dr. Tamar Goldzak, and is based at Bar Ilan University in Israel.



For PhD Position: the applicant is expected to have a MSc degree in theoretical or computational chemistry, physics or material science.

For Postdoc position: the applicant is expected to have a PhD degree in theoretical or computational chemistry, physics or material science.


The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. The applicant is further expected to have excellent capabilities to perform research, as demonstrated through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Good communication skills both orally and in written English, and also the ability to work independently, are required.


Additional qualifications
The applicant is further expected to be strongly motivated and a strong background in theoretical and condensed matter physics is desirable. Experience with large-scale computer simulations is also desirable, as well as the ability to perform computer code development.


The application should consist of a cover letter, CV, publication list, certificates of relevant degrees, an outline of the PhD thesis and a short research statement describing the applicant’s research experiences and interests. The applicant should also include the names of at least two reference persons.


For further information about the position please contact:
Dr. Tamar Goldzak, [email protected] ,


Or at our website:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials