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Postdoctoral researcher position in correlated e ... (No replies)

2 years ago
drogheta 2 years ago

One postdoctoral researcher position is available at the School of Physics and CRANN Institute, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland. The position is funded for two years.

The selected person will lead the development of computational methods to address quantum transport through correlated systems. The project will extend the work presented in

A.Droghetti, and I. Rungger, Phys. Rev. B 95, 085131 (2017).

A.H. Appelt, A. Droghetti et al., Nanoscale 10, 17738 (2018).

A.Droghetti, M.M. Radonjić, A. Halder, I. Rungger, and L. Chioncel,  Phys. Rev. B 105, 115129 (2022).

A. Droghetti, M.M. Radonjić, L. Chioncel, I. Rungger, arXiv:2201.13118

The aim is to construct a flexible computational platform to predict the charge and spin transport properties of nanodevices comprising either magnetic molecules or correlated materials with d and f electrons. Furthermore, the project will also explore the use and development of quantum algorithms to perform part of the calculations (e.g., I. Rungger et al., arXiv:1910.04735).

The project will be under the supervision of Dr. Andrea Droghetti (SFI- Royal Society University Research Fellow) and in collaboration with Prof. Liviu Chioncel (University of Augsburg, Germany) and Dr. Ivan Rungger (UK National Physical Laboratory). Furthermore, the selected person will closely interact with the groups of Prof. Stefano Sanvito and Prof. David O’Regan at TCD. Subject to the experience of the selected applicant, there is the possibility for the co-supervision of a postgraduate student and of several undergraduate students.

The position will be available from summer 2022 and open until filled.

Essential/Desirable Criteria

Strong overall motivation and a keen interest in electronic structure theory, many-body physics, and coding. Previous experience in the numerical implementation of either first-principles electronic structure or many-body physics methods is required.  

How to apply?

Applications must include the CV, a cover latter (briefly explaining why the applicant will fit for the job), the name and contact details (e-mail address) of at least two referees.

Informal inquiring and applications should be sent to:

Dr. Andrea Droghetti ([email protected])

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the employment policies, procedures and practices which do not discriminate on grounds such as gender, civil status, family status, age, disability, race, religious belief, sexual orientation, or membership of the traveling community.


Trinity College Dublin and CRANN

Trinity College Dublin is Ireland’s university on the world stage. Recognized for its transformative research and education conducted at the frontiers of disciplines, Trinity is ranked 61st in the world by the QS World University Rankings 2013. Spread across 47 acres in Dublin’s city centre, Trinity has a 17,000-strong student body, 3,000 staff and over 100,000 alumni around the world. Of the student body, 16% come from outside Ireland and, of those, 40% are from outside the European Union, making Trinity’s campus cosmopolitan and bustling, with a focus on diversity. Trinity has developed significant strength in a broad range of research areas, including the 21 broadly based multi-disciplinary thematic research areas.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials