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Postdoctoral position in Quantum Technology avai ... (No replies)

2 years ago
dbercioux 2 years ago

The Donostia International Physics Center, within the IKUR initiative of the Basque Country on quantum technology, is seeking a highly motivated Post Doc on the area of analogue quantum computation. You can read below the eligibility criteria and description of the position:


Analogue quantum simulators are unique systems that allow studying a quantum system using another more controllable quantum system as implementing the platform. For example, the case of cold atoms in optical lattices has been extensively studied so far to investigate the properties of correlated and topological phases. In recent years, a new platform for analogue quantum simulators emerged. This platform consists of a patterned lattice on the surface state of an electron gas. New experimental techniques allow nowadays to explore the effects of electron correlations in this platform. 

In this particular call, we are searching for a strong candidate to conduct theoretical research on quantum simulation in condensed matter and ultra-cold atom platforms in close collaboration with Dario Bercioux and Miguel A. Cazalilla


• The candidates are expected to have or to soon have a PhD in Theoretical Physics.
• Experience within the fields of interest.
• Experience in the field of strongly correlated systems (quantum magnetism, low-dimensional systems, superconductivity, and related topics) and some working knowledge of the effects of spin-orbit or synthetic gauge fields. 
• Knowledge of analytical methods such as quantum field theory, mean-field theory approaches, and numerical techniques such as Density-matrix renormalisation group/Tensor Networks or Quantum Montecarlo.
• The candidate should also have excellent writing and communications skills in English.

How to apply:

Interested applicants are requested to apply by following the following link: here. Salary will be as per Spanish norms.

Application deadline February 21st.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials