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Postdoctoral position in physical biosciences at ... (No replies)

5 years ago
bginovska 5 years ago

As a postdoctoral researcher in the Physical Biosciences group, you will join a talented, multi investigator team to explore the functional principles at the core of the precise energy, mass and charge flow, and reactivity in enzymes. You will be mentored by Simone Raugei and his team, as you develop a line of computational research, working to understand the mechanism of important enzymes that catalyze activation of energy relevant molecules to empower the design of highly selective, efficient, and sustainable bio-inspired catalysts. PNNL offers competitive salary, applications for work visas for foreign nationals and excellent benefits. 

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Physics, Biophysics, Biochemistry or related fields
  • Training and aptitude in computational chemistry/physics/biophysics methods

Preferred Qualifications (not all need to be met):

  • Strong verbal and written communications skills
  • Knowledge of computational chemistry methodologies, such as ab initio electronic structure approaches and/or molecular dynamics 
  • Experience with molecular dynamics simulation packages (Gromacs, NAMD, etc.), condensed phase density functional theory codes (CPMD, Quantum espresso, CP2K, VASP, etc.) and/or quantum chemical software (Gaussian, NWChem, Games, ORCA etc.).
  • Programming skills (Fortran, C, C++) and experience with modern high-performance computation platforms are desirable.
  • The ability to adapt, refine, or innovate computational tools as needed.


To apply, go to ad search for job ID: 309726


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials