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Postdoctoral position in computational many-body ... (No replies)

2 years ago
demiooki 2 years ago

The ITMO University in St. Petersburg (Russia) invites applications for a Postdoctoral position in electronic structure theory and computational chemistry. The ITMO University is among the leading universities in Russia with a high profile in optics, physics and computer sciences. ITMO is located in the center of the beautiful city of St Petersburg, known as the cultural capital of Russia.

Highly motivated candidates are invited to join the School of Physics and Engineering should have obtained PhD in Computational Condensed Matter or Chemistry and:

- experience in first-principle calculations using DFT.

- experience with Python or C/C++.

- familiarity with high-performance computing and UNIX-based OS.

The successful candidate will participate in developing a new ab-initio programming code for time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) beyond the standard adiabatic local density approximation (ALDA). The code aimed to capture nonlinear, nonadiabatic, and dissipative effects in many-electron systems as well as describe the coupling to photons on equal footing with the generalization of TDDFT known as QED-TDDFT. The main work will take place at the ITMO University in the group of Dr. Dmitry R. Gulevich and will involve regular business trips to collaborating research groups of Prof. Ilya Tokatly in the University of Basque Country, Spain, and Prof. Vasili Perebeinos at the University of Buffalo, USA.

The successful candidate will receive a salary starting from 200,000 RUB per month (equivalent to 30,000 EUR per annum).

The expected duration of the project is 1-3 years. Upon completion of the project, the successful candidates can receive a further extension for a maximum period of up to 5 years or be promoted to tenure track Associate Professor at the ITMO University.

How to apply

The candidate should send a motivation letter, CV, and publication list to [email protected] no later than 1 March 2022. In the email subject, please, specify the position you are applying for ("Postdoctoral position in computational many-body physics").

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials