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postdoc position Sorbonne Universite "ab in ... (No replies)

4 years ago
calatayu 4 years ago

Raman spectroscopy is a key tool for the characterization of a variety of complex system, from molecules to nanomaterials, and its use has spread in many technological applications. The diversity in the data acquisition, treatment and analysis needs spectra calibration and harmonization in order to be interoperable among equipments and conditions. Computational modelling is a powerful tool to obtain experiment-free spectroscopic features to interpret, assess and predict experimental response. The goal of the CHARISMA project is to harmonize Raman spectra through a combination of reference samples, standardized conditions and theoretical modelling, enabling its optimal use in selected industrial processes.

Dates: 1st January 2021-31st December 2021 (renewable 1 year)

Income: ~2000 EUR/month neto

Funding scheme: H2020 RIA CHARISMA  952921 (4.9 M EUR)

Application: Please send your CV, two recommendation letters to Monica Calatayud
([email protected]) by 31st October 2020.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials