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Postdoc position on large-scale molecular dynami ... (No replies)

4 years ago
niko_pd 4 years ago

Applications are invited for one Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Advanced Materials Group (Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague) to work on the application of computational methods to the study of mechanical properties of metal-based materials.

The project core objective is the investigation of nanostructured metal-based materials by means of large scale molecular dynamics simulations. The study will be focused on the exploration of various effects in the deformation mechanism of selected systems (including possible transformation to different crystal structures and/or amorphous-crystal transitions), and on the computational estimation of key mechanical properties. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with world-leading industrial partners and combines different theoretical approaches in order to allow a rational design of metal-based materials. Experimental validations of the in silico predictions are also planned. The project will as well link activities at the Czech Technical University in Prague with the University of Southampton, UK.

Successful candidates must have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or closely related disciplines. Experience with classical molecular dynamics simulations (using the LAMMPS package preferably) is mandatory. The candidate is expected to be able to work indipendently on the project, although collaborations inside and outside the group are also encouraged. Previous experience on using (and assessing the accuracy of) the most commonly employed interatomic potentials for metals and alloys (e.g. the EAM family) represents a plus. Researchers are expected to perform calculations on Linux-based HPC centers. Good knowledge of English, both written and oral, is compulsory.

ABOUT THE GROUP: Advanced Materials Group ( is formed of experimentalists and computationalists working on coatings and low-dimensional systems for various applications. The group is well-established and consists of dynamic and motivated researchers leading international collaborations on broad interdisciplinary topics. In case of exceptional achievements, postdocs can be promoted to assistant professor (tenure track).

The salary is competitive (approx. 25,000 EUR/year plus employer bonus). The position is for 2 years. It can be prolonged upon mutual agreement and funding availability.

The call is open immediately and the position will be filled as soon as a proper candidate is found – the starting date is expected to be in the first months of 2021. Applications must include a motivation letter highlighting research interests and relevant experience and CV with a publication list. Inquiries and applications shall be sent to: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials