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Postdoc available at Sorbonne University in Pari ... (No replies)

Antonino Marco Saitta
4 years ago

One postdoctoral position in "Simulating the formation of the SEI in Li-ion batteries" is availaible at Sorbonne University in Paris, within the newly-formed consortium "MAESTRO (MAterials for Energy through STochastic sampling and high peRformance cOmputing)". The search for this position, advertised a few months ago, has to "restart from scratch" for Covid-related administrative reasons.


Scientific context. There are numerous situations for which one needs to study phase transitions and chemical reactions efficiently for characterizing energy materials. We will focus on a key aspect that governs the efficiency of batteries and their stability over time: The formation of the so-called solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). It is a complicated mixture of inorganic and organic components resulting from the reduction of the electrolyte during the first few cycles. It is electronically insulating, but ionic conducting, thus allowing the passage of Li+ ions. Its stability is crucial for the operation of the Li-ion battery.

Controlling the SEI formation is one of the main objectives of current experimental research on batteries, and it will be one of the main topics of the Battery 2030+, a large-scale initiative which is currently being set up by European Union. The formation of the SEI consists in many steps, i.e. successive chemical reactions triggered by the strong electric fields at the interface and precipitation of several organic and inorganic salts within the electrolyte (which is made of a Li-PF6 salt dissolved in an organic carbonate solvent). Based on experimental evidence, the precipitation of LiF at the surface of graphite electrodes is one of the first processes involved. We will therefore perform simulations of the crystallization of this inorganic salt in the carbonate solvent, both in the bulk and at graphite surfaces. We will adapt our method based on the use of permutation invariant vector-based path coordinates to obtain first reactive trajectories. As a starting point, we will consider the classic (and computationally less expensive) problem of ion pair association and dissociation in solution, comparing the most recent advances in terms of collective variables and features of the projected dynamics with the new results obtained within our project.

Project PI: A. Marco SAITTA 

Postdoc supervisors: A. Marco SAITTA – Mathieu SALANNE – Fabio PIETRUCCI

Appointment Term: Eighteen-months appointment starting between Oct 2020 and Jan 2021.

Keywords: Nucleation, solvation, ionic compounds; molecular dynamics, free-energy methods, collective variables

How to apply: Read the attached file

Contact: [email protected]


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials