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Post-doctoral position in non-linear and strong ... (No replies)

1 year ago
jjpalacios 1 year ago

IFIMAC at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid offers a two-year post-doctoral position within the AtomEliX and QNanoLight consortium (Profs. Juan José Palacios and Francisco J. García-Vidal) to work on theory of two-dimensional materials when strongly coupled to light. This consortium aims at understanding, from a fully atomistic perspective, the optical response of crystal monolayers under either strong illumination in the classical regime or in the strong coupling limit originated from quantum vacuum fluctuations. We look for motivated individuals generically interested in Condensed Matter Physics theory and computation and Quantum Optics aiming to engage in cutting-edge research.

Specific topics and keywords include van der Waals materials, electronic structure quantum geometry, topological materials, non-linear optical effects, and cavity quantum electrodynamics. The starting date is flexible, but early candidates will have preference.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials