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Post-Doctoral Position in Atomic Scale Simulatio ... (No replies)

1 year ago
pasquarello 1 year ago

Post-Doctoral Position in Atomic Scale Simulation at EPFL (Lausanne)

(date of announcement: 13/06/2023)

A post-doctoral position has become available for a talented and motivated individual in computational condensed matter physics within the Chair of Atomic-Scale Simulation (CSEA) at EPFL in Lausanne. The successful candidate is expected to hold a PhD degree in condensed matter physics, achieved at most 2 years ago.

The successful candidate is expected to integrate the research effort at CSEA. The research project requires expertise with defect physics, hybrid functionals, GW-BSE, and TD-DFT. The CSEA at EPFL benefits from outstanding computational facilities.

The post-doc appointment is initially for one year and could be extended for a second one depending on mutual agreement and funding. Previous experience as specified is requested. The appointment involves teaching duties at EPFL. The interested post-doc candidate should send (in PDF-format) their

  1. curriculum vitae (including nationality, date of birth, civil state, and achieved degrees),
  2. publication list, and
  3. one reprint of representative previous research.

The interested post-doc candidate should also express their motivation in a cover letter, including the prospected date of availability, and arrange confidential letters of recommendation to be sent by email to Alfredo Pasquarello (Alfredo.Pasquarello @ Only complete applications will be processed, i.e. including points 1 to 3 described above and the reception of confidential letters. The selection process will continue until a suitable candidate is found.

Chair of Atomic Scale Simulation
Station 3 / PH H2 467
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. : +41 21 693 44 16
Fax : +41 21 693 54 19
E-mail : Alfredo.Pasquarello @

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials