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PhD Positions in theoretical/computational conde ... (No replies)

4 years ago
artserg 4 years ago

Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and University of Genova (UniGe) are accepting applications for the 3-year PhD positions starting on November 1st, 2020. The research activities will be carried out at the Quantum Materials Theory Group at IIT led by Sergey Artyukhin. The courses will be organized jointly by UniGe Physics Department and IIT.

Our research is focused on providing a realistic description of various properties of materials by using simplified models and/or first-principles calculations. Of particular interest are ferroic materials that have a long-range order (such as ferroelectricity or a magnetic order), and multiferroics, where multiple orders coexist and interact.

Successful candidates will join an active and international research environment. They will collaborate with leading experimental and theoretical groups in the field and have access to modern computing infrastructure.

Prior experience with analytical or numerical model calculations, knowledge of Mathematica, other programming platforms, or experience with DFT codes will be advantageous for the position. Command of English, as well as ability to interact effectively with members of the research team, are mandatory.

To apply, or if you have questions, please contact [email protected]

Extra information and a formal application form are available at

Deadline for applications: September 29, 2020

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials