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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Ph.D. positions in molecular dynamics and machin ... (No replies)

1 year ago
mgalib 1 year ago

The Galib Research Group at Howard University is seeking multiple Ph.D. students to join our team. Our research is focused on understanding materials' properties using a combination of electronic structure calculations, atomic scale simulations, and machine learning. Current projects include investigating ionic liquids for energy storage devices, and intermetallic alloy nanoparticles for electro-catalysis. Interests in atmospheric reactions and computational drug design are also welcome. A brief overview of our work is available here:

We particularly encourage applications from international students and students from underrepresented groups in STEM. The Ph.D. studentship will be partly funded by a research assistantship and partly by a teaching assistantship. The usual duration of the Ph.D. program is 5 years.

To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to Dr. Mirza Galib at [email protected].

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from talented and enthusiastic candidates!


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials