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PhD positions at NYU Shanghai (No replies)

4 years ago
wglover 4 years ago

PhD Program in Chemistry at NYU Shanghai


New York University invites applications for the PhD Program in Chemistry at NYU Shanghai. Students admitted to this program will work with NYU Shanghai faculty within the NYU-ECNU Center for Computational Chemistry at NYU Shanghai (CCC), a research institute operated jointly by NYU, NYU Shanghai, and East China Normal University ( The CCC is establishing itself as a world-class platform for research, training, and international collaboration. The center has a core group of outstanding faculty members who are conducting frontier research in various fields of theoretical and computational chemistry with applications to physics, biology, and material sciences.

Students in the NYU Shanghai PhD Program in Chemistry will normally spend their first semester at NYU in New York for coursework, before transitioning to complete coursework and join a research group in Shanghai. Candidates who successfully complete the program will receive a PhD degree from New York University. All students are supported by fellowships, and advanced students are eligible for a number of additional awards and funding opportunities. Annual fellowship stipends are equivalent to those for NYU Chemistry PhD students.


Applications are to be submitted online via the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Science website (, where students should select the Chemistry PhD as their program of interest, and indicate their preference for NYU Shanghai by marking the appropriate checkbox and expanding on their interest in the Shanghai-track program in their written statements. The deadline for applications is Dec. 12, 2020 for Fall 2021 matriculation. GRE scores are not required. Further details of the program and application requirements are available at

Info Session

An online info session will be hosted on Nov. 27, 2020 at 9:00am China Standard Time, giving attendees an overview of our Chemistry PhD program, the application process and research opportunities at NYU Shanghai, followed by a Question and Answer session with our faculty. Zoom link: Please register in advance by sending an email with subject “NYUSH PhD program info session registration” to xiang.sun{at}


For general questions or inquiries regarding the program, please send an email to Prof. Xiang Sun (xiang.sun{at} Additional questions should be directed to Prof. John Zhang (john.zhang{at} and Prof. William Glover (william.glover{at}


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials