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PhD positions at Imperial College London (Chemis ... (No replies)

1 year ago
jarvist 1 year ago

We are searching for PhD students to join the Frost group in the Chemistry department at Imperial College London.
These positions offer a fully funded (Royal Society & EPSRC DTA) 4-year stipend of £20,410 per annum (tax-free), including full coverage of home-student fees.

The two main streams of research relevant to readers of the Psi-K mailing list are method development in path-integral simulation techniques, and using quantum mechanics as an inductive bias for machine learning models.

Our applications span molecular and materials design, with a particular interest in renewable energy materials (photovoltaics and batteries), and small-molecule drugs. We have long-running collaborations with both synthetic and characterisation experimental groups, meaning that we're constantly working to explain new results, and get to see our predictions tested.

Additional details and exemplar projects are available on a Google drive document:

Imperial College London and the broader London scientific community offer a vibrant environment for research in condensed matter theory and simulation. The wide range of London researchers are interconnected through the Thomas Young Centre (, fostering a dynamic and supportive scientific community.

Applications are encouraged from candidates who hold, or are expecting to receive, at least an Upper Second Class degree (2:1) or equivalent in Chemistry, Physics, or a related discipline such as Materials Science. 

While a background in quantum chemistry / electronic structure theory and scientific computing and programming is desirable, it's not essential. What is crucial, however, is a strong interest in programming and/or developing mathematically motivated theory.

Our group primarily utilises the modern Julia scientific programming language ( ), and we are actively engaged in using distributed version control (GitHub) and modern software development practices (Agile, Kanban, unit tests, automated documentation).

Starting date:
The positions will be available from October 2023.

We will be interviewing on a rolling basis, as positions are filled and further funding becomes available, with the next deadline for applications 14th July 2023.

Jarvist Moore Frost, Royal Society University Research Fellow and Lecturer, [email protected] .

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials