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PhD position on NMR/MuSR (plus DFT) in 5d metal ... (No replies)

4 years ago
RDeRenzi 4 years ago

3 year PhD project offered in the PaRMa group of Prof. Roberto De Renzi on Metal-insulator transitions and Dirac insulators in strong spin-orbit interaction metal oxides.
The project is principally experimental, by magnetic resonance spectroscopies and their ab-initio DFT simulations.

The successful candidate will be designing and performing NMR and MuSR experiments to reveal order parameters and spin/charge dynamics at the magnetic phase transitions of 5d oxides, in close collaboration with the Wien-Bologna group of Cesare Franchini (theory) and Samuele Sanna.
Depending on the candidate preference, the project will include experimental bulk magnetic characterization and/or advanced data analysis techniques including ab-initio methods aimed at the identification of magnetic phases and at the microscopic interpretation of spectroscopic results.

Prior to application (deadline 4 September 2020) candidates are requested to submit CV, transcript of Master in Physics or equivalent, abstract of Master thesis, and 2 reference contacts to [email protected] for a first feed-back. More information on the position here and here (project 9).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials