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PhD position on modelling texture in biscuits (1 reply)

1 year ago
gtribello 1 year ago

A PhD position on understanding how sucrose can be replaced in biscuits is available.  This multi-disciplinary PhD position will be supervised by researchers at the University of Reading and Queen’s University Belfast. 

Project title: A reverse engineering approach to sucrose replacement in biscuits: modelling texture

Project No: FBS2023-51-Rodriguez Garcia-rq

Lead supervisor: Julia Rodriguez Garcia, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of Reading

Email: [email protected]


Gareth Tribello, Queen's University Belfast, Mauricio Cafiero, University of Reading, Stella Lignou, University of Reading

The student performing this PhD will run some molecular dynamics simulations and some calculations with electronic structure methods.  This modelling work will be combined with experimental work that will be completed at the University of Reading.  In short, this is a unique opportunity to work on a project that is genuinely multidisciplinary that has real world significance.  More information is available in the attached PDF.  

This project will develop a modelling tool to predict the textural properties of biscuits when sucrose is replaced with healthier alternatives. This tool will help manufactures design novel ingredients and reformulation strategies to improve the nutritional profile of bakery products. The project takes an integrated approach across the food system: from resources (sucrose replacers), to processing, storage, and consumption. You will develop of a holistic understanding of the kinetic (water distribution) and thermodynamic changes in the biscuit systema (plasticising and hygroscopic properties of ingredients, phase transitions) and how these define the physical and sensorial textural properties (hardness, oral processing and mouthfeel) of biscuits.

The hypothesis of this study is that the thermodynamical and kinetic changes in a biscuit system (sugar-water- biopolymer) that happen during processing operations (mixing, baking and storage) could be modelled to design novel sucrose replacers and reformulation strategies that allow one to decrease sucrose in biscuits while achieving targeted textural properties.
The research objectives are:

1)  To evaluate the thermodynamical processes and kinetic changes during mixing, baking and storage of biscuits made with sucrose or sucrose replaces.

2)  To characterise the evolution of the structures from initial mixing to final product over molecular to micron length scales and to assess physical properties of dough and biscuits made with sucrose or sucrose replaces

3)  To analyse the sensory perception of biscuits mouthfeel (oral processing and descriptive qualitative methods) and sweetness (in vitro and in vivo sugar diffusion). Correlations between perception and instrumental results will be assessed.

4)  To use both quantum chemical models and classical molecular dynamics to calculate physical and phase properties of sucrose replacers at the single molecule, small to medium cluster and bulk levels.

5)  To create a Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSARs) by correlating sucrose replacers’ properties (objective1), textural descriptors (objective2&3). The QSAR models will be developed and tested to predict biscuit physical and sensorial textural properties.

The global rise in chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and coronary disease has been linked to high intake of sugar and excessive energy consumption. The main dietary source of added sugars in UK are soft drinks, bakery and confectionary products. In particular, biscuits, with around 30-40% sugar content, are a highly popular and versatile products, commonly consumed by all groups of society, particularly children. Owning to concern over increasing childhood obesity rates and with the aim to facilitate a healthier lifestyle for adults and children a new UK Government policy has come partially into force in October 2022. This policy restricts the location and in-store promotion of high fat, sugar, and salt products. This has driven further efforts from the food industry into reducing sugars in bakery and confectionary products. However, the reduction or replacement of sucrose with healthier alternatives in bakery products such as biscuits has proved to be challenging because of the multifunctional role of sucrose in these products – sucrose is not only there to provide sweetness.

Therefore, the development of understanding and tools that could facilitate reformulation projects in terms of time, resources and successful outcomes are needed for a sustainable and innovative food industry.


1 year ago
gtribello 1 year ago

The PDF attachment is available and attached to this comment.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials