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PhD position: Multi-reference quasi-particles fo ... (No replies)

4 years ago
berger 4 years ago
Strong correlation effects, i.e., cooperative behavior that cannot be predicted from the properties of individual electrons, are responsible for a variety of non-trivial or 'exotic' electronic properties of materials.  However, the description, comprehension, and prediction of the effects of electron correlation in real systems, is still one of the greatest challenges in physics.  
This PhD project proposes to tackle the problem of describing strong electron correlation by combining two different, yet complementary, approaches: a condensed matter description based on quasi-particles and a quantum chemistry description based on multi-reference wave functions, hence contemplating the concept of “multi-reference quasi-particles”. During the course of the project, we propose to i) set the foundation for this new approach; ii) test the idea on simple and exactly solvable models such as the Hubbard model; iii) apply this new paradigm to real materials, such as bulk NiO. 
This project has received financial support from the French Scientific Research National Center (CNRS) through the 80|Prime program.  It will be carried out at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique and in collaboration with the Laboratoire of Chimie and Physique Quantiques in Toulouse starting from September/October 2020


Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of the project, we encourage applications from students with a solid background in Physics, Chemistry and/or Mathematics and it is desirable that he/she is familiar with electronic structure theory and programming. During the course of this PhD project, the student will become comfortable with state-of-the-art electronic structure methods as well as simple mathematical models. He/she will also gain valuable experience in both computer algebra systems (such as MATHEMATICA) and high performance computing (HPC).

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply via email to Pina Romaniello ([email protected]) and/or Pierre-François Loos ([email protected]).
Please include a letter of motivation, a CV with a list of publications, and the contact information of two academic references.
The review of applications begins immediately. 
Applications are accepted until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials