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PhD position in Linz (Austria) (No replies)

6 years ago
Renger_Thomas 6 years ago

A PhD position is available in the field of multiscale simulation of primary processes in organic solar cells in the institute of theoretical physics (department of theoretical biophysics-Thomas Renger) at Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria).

The present project "Towards a multi-scale simulation of organic solar cells" aims at establishing the basic tools for a multi-scale simulation of organic solar cells in order to improve their power conversion efficiency. First steps are quantum chemical characterizations of isolated donor and
acceptor molecules as well as of dimers of both. This characterization is compared to experiments done in the group of our collaboration partner Markus Scharber in the Linz Institute of Organic Solar Cells (LIOS). In a next step these parameters are used to simulate energy transfer and charge transfer in larger model systems by combining the microscopic parameterization with dynamic theories.

Requirements are a master degree in physics or theoretical chemistry and interest in theories of energy and charge transfer and optical spectra of molecules and/or quantum chemical calculations of excited and charge transfer states in molecular systems.

The position is immediately available and can be taken for two years with a possible extension for another two years.

Applications containing the CV, study records, and a cover letter with motivation should be sent to [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials