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PhD position in Computational simulation and mod ... (No replies)

4 years ago
igorz 4 years ago

LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY invites applications for a PhD position in Applied Physics in the field of Computational simulation and modelling of novel organic thermoelectric materials


Research area

The PhD position will be based at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE),, belonging to the Department of Science and Technology, at the university’s Norrköping Campus. The LOE is renowned for its world-leading research on electronic devices based on organic electroactive materials. Its primary theme involves the coupling of ions and electrons as signal carriers for applications in printed electronics, organic energy- and electrochemical devices, and organic bioelectronics. Currently, the research staff of the Laboratory includes about 150 researchers (professors, senior and junior scientists and PhD students).

The present position is part of the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network Hybrid and ORgAnic ThermoElectric Systems “HORATES” bringing together 8 academic institutions, including universities and research centers, and 5 companies, from 6 EU countries. The mission of the HORATES network is to use the large expertise on all aspects of hybrid and organic thermoelectrics that is available in the EU for (a) the strategic training of excellent young researchers in an emerging, interdisciplinary field and (b) the rational development of prototype energy harvesters, inspired by actual market demand.

This will happen by giving 15 PhD students (Early Stage Researchers, ESRs) exposure to a wide spectrum of expertise. In HORATES, we fuse the synthetic organic expertise with the expertise in processing and characterization to provide stable, high-performance materials and recipes for upscaling and device fabrication. Constant interaction at all stages with theory and multiscale modelling will guide the process. Crucial for the success the Programme is a multidisciplinary and inter-sectorial network, which will allow the ESR to genuinely discover and/or feed their attitude while having an impact on a relevant scientific and technological field. HORATES also has the mission of disseminating its scientific and technological achievements to a broad audience (scientific community, stakeholders, general public etc.).

The HORATES network is composed by: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (DE), Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT), Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB (SE), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas (ES), Linköpings Universitet (SE), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL), Technische Universität Chemnitz (DE), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR), University of Strasbourg (FR), Eurecat Centre Tecnològic (ES), Innovation Lab (DE) and Hot Disk AB (SE).

During the programme, exchange between private sector and academia is promoted by at least one secondment per ESR with the industrial partners and beneficiaries.


Duties and qualifications

The PhD student will perform theoretical simulation and modeling of novel organic materials for thermoelectric applications. The modeling will be ranging from the ab initio and Molecular Dynamics simulations on the atomistic level to the drift-diffusion device simulation on the system level to answer the fundamental questions concerning material morphology, electronic structure, transport- and thermoelectric properties, and many others. The simulation and modeling activity will be carried out in a tight collaboration with the members of the HORATES network where the obtained theoretical results will help to understand and guide the material and device design for better and enhanced performance, and, vice versa, the input from the experiment will provide an essential motivation for the theory.The PhD student will be placed in the group of Theory and Modelling at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics lead by Prof. Igor Zozoulenko. Currently, the group consists of 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 8 research associates/postdocs and 3 PhD students,

Applications are welcomed from candidates with M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in physics, material science, chemistry, electrical engineering or related fields. Experience with ab initio or molecular dynamics calculations, and computer and programing/scripting skills are highly desirable. The interested candidate should be strongly self-motivated, to show a keen interest in science and fundamental research, and be willing to work in a team. Good communications skills and proficiency in spoken and written English are required.


Eligibility for HORATES programme:

  • The applicant cannot hold a PhD degree obtained before the enrolling in the HORATES programme.
  • The applicant shall, at the time of recruitment, be in the first four years of his/her research career (this time is measured from the date of award/diploma of the most recent taught degree).
  • The applicant must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host institute (Sweden) for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment.
  • The applicant can be of any nationality.


Appointment time/conditions

The time of appointment for PhD position is limited to the equivalent of four years of full time research training plus one year of teaching and/or performing other duties (corresponding to max 20 per cent of working hours). You further will actively participate in the PhD training activities, and complete 60 ECTS credits required for a PhD courses at Linköping University. Starting time is 1 March 2021 (or by agreement). The salary for PhD students is based on the department’s salary scale (Currently in the range 30000/month).


Application procedure

Apply online at Linköping University website,, using following link:

The application must be received at latest December 31, 2020.

Please include in the application:

  • Motivation letter (1 page)
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages), including reference names and publication list
  • Copy of the M.Sc. and bachelor’s degrees and all corresponding transcripts (lists of courses taken during bachelors and M.Sc. studies).


Contact persons: Prof. Igor Zozoulenko, [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials