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PhD or PostDoc position: Multi-center decomposit ... (No replies)

Benjamin Stamm
1 year ago
Benjamin Stamm 1 year ago

Within an international collaboration with the Matherials-team at CERMICS/Ecole des Ponts (France), we are looking for a Ph.D. candidate or post-doc reasearch associate to run a project on a cutting-edge and interdisciplinary topic on efficient numerical methods with applications in computational chemistry. The objective is to develop scalable localization schemes for molecular charge densities decomposition schemes based on the Hirshfeld/Iterative Stockholder Atom (ISA) framework. Starting date is as soon as possible but up to negotiations.

Your profile:

  • Excellent MSc degree in applied mathematics, computational chemistry, computational engineering science, simulation technology, or related (PhD for post-doc applications).

  • Strong interests in computational mathematics, simulation science, and/or computational chemistry

  • Excellent foundations in applied mathematics

What we offer:

  • TV-L 13 75% position for at least 3 years (TV-L 13 100% position for post-doc applications)

  • An international and interdisciplinary research environment

  • Dynamic research group with interests from theory to applications

Any Questions? Contact us:

[email protected]

Got interested?

If you're interested, please submit a CV, motivation letter, transcript, and up to 3 email contacts for recommendation through the official submission process that can be found here ("Apply now" button below).

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stamm

Chair of Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing (NMH)
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685 62040

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials