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PhD or postdoc first-principles studies of chira ... (No replies)

12 months ago
jagoda 12 months ago
A 4-year Ph.D. employed position is available at the Computational Materials Science Group of Dr. Jagoda Sławińska (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen). 
In this project, you will use first-principles calculations to design materials with supreme conversion efficiency by exploring the richness of symmetries and properties emerging from two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) crystals. Such materials, being only one or at most a few atoms thick can be stacked on top of each other like a sandwich. The rotation (twisting) of the layers with respect to each other induces an extra symmetry, called chirality, which can be a source of intriguing, but not well-understood, conversion phenomenon called the chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS), typically studied in chiral molecules. The aim is to design artificial chiral materials with large conversion efficiency and explore them for spintronics devices. To achieve this goal, you will (i) develop and implement methodological concepts allowing accurate calculations of very large twisted systems, intractable via standard computational methods, (ii) simulate vdW heterostructures consisting of different 2D materials, and identify the key factors that provide the maximal conversion efficiency and (iii) unveil the microscopic origin of CISS benefiting from the full control of material parameters accessible in twisted vdW crystals. Collaborations with the local experimental groups of Prof. Bart van Wees and Prof. Justin Ye are planned during the project. 
• candidates should have an excellent academic record, a strong commitment to scientific research, and be fluent in English
• excellent knowledge of condensed matter physics
• good programming skills (Python)
• previous experience in first-principles calculations is appreciated
• candidates must have a Master’s or an equivalent degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, or related disciplines that must be completed by the time of employment (September-October 2023). 
The call is open until the position is filled. 
Complete applications should be sent by email to [email protected] and include:
• CV including the list of publications
• diploma and academic record of both the bachelor’s and the master’s degree. If not originally in English, an official translation could be requested.
• contact details of two references (they will be only contacted for short-listed candidates)
• proof of English language proficiency
Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. Exceptionally good candidates already possessing a Ph.D. diploma in the relevant fields are welcome to apply for a postdoc position. If accepted, the initial 1-year contract can be extended until up to 3 years. 
The short-listed candidates will be invited to the interview. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials