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PhD or PDRA position "Theory of Attosecond ... (No replies)

6 years ago
(unknown) 6 years ago

The Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Attosecond Science group of Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner at ETH Zürich ( is offering a PhD or postdoc position for development of the theory of attosecond dynamics in liquids.

The successful applicant will develop new software tools and employ them to interpret and to understand the results of attosecond experiments in the liquid phase. For this purpose, a trajectory-based approach of electron scattering in condensed media and strong laser fields will be used. The approach already proved its value and has to be extended to describe further experimentally relevant phenomena. Support for the implementation is provided by the theory sub-group of Axel Schild.

Necessary qualifications are a strong interest in fundamental research, scientific curiosity and affinity to computer programming. Experience with programming languages (Python, Fortran, C , C++, Julia,...), multiprocessor coding, and knowledge of scattering theory as well as of the theory of attosecond science are advantageous.

PhD applicants have or should be about to obtain a Master of Science in chemistry, physics, or related fields. Postdoc applicants have a recent PhD, preferentially in theoretical attosecond science or in the development of quantum-classical dynamics simulations, and experience in code development.

Please send your application including your CV and a motivation letter. Postdoc candidates should arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent. PhD student candidates include contact information for three references. All documents should be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials