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PhD in multiscale electronic simulations (Paris ... (No replies)

1 year ago
sponza 1 year ago

ONERA's DPHY department is studying the effects of cosmic radiation on space vehicles, in partnership with industries and agencies such as CNES and ESA. The Multipactor effect is a damaging process of electrical discharge that can be triggered in the Radio Frequency (RF) components of satellites. The secondary electron emission is one of the main causes of Multipactor damaging. One way to limit secondary emission is to deposit low electron emitting materials on the surface of waveguides. Graphite is known for its good characteristics but 2D graphene films are expected to be even more efficient.

The secondary electron emission is the consequence of the interactions of the incident electrons with the electrons of the irradiated solid. The complex dielectric function represents the response of a material to electromagnetic excitation, i.e. to the impact with a charged particle such as an electron. Therefore, the aim of the PhD project is to study and understand the link between the complex dielectric function of specific materials and their electron emission capacity. For this purpose, two types of simulation tools will be used. Ab-initio calculations (DFT and TDDFT) will be performed to simulate the dielectric function. The modellisation of the secondary electron emission process will be carried out using an electron transport code developed at ONERA and based on the Monte Carlo method. The parameters of the latter simulation as the electron-electron interaction cross-sections will be determined by prior ab-initio calculations.

The objective of the study will be to understand what characteristics of graphene makes it particularly low-emissive. The work will mainly consist of analysing the results of ab-initio and Monte Carlo simulations, but will also be based on experimental measurements from the literature or carried out in associated laboratory.

Two thirds of the project will be hold in the ONERA laboratories in Toulouse, France and one third in the ONERA site in Châtillon, in the suburbs of Paris, France.

Thesis director: Christophe Inguimbert (ONERA, Toulouse)

Thesis co-director: Lorenzo Sponza (ONERA, CNRS, Châtillon)


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials