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PhD fellows in condensed matter physics (No replies)

1 year ago
Ishworbk 1 year ago

We are looking for competitive Ph.D. students (Experimental and theoretical) in the Condensed matter physics Lab, at Jeju National University, South Korea under the 2023 Global Korean Scholarship program. Our group widely involves in the study and application of various functional materials (nanomaterials) both experimentally and theoretically.

“2023 Global Korea Scholarship” is a Korean government-funded program that supports higher-level education and research activities for international students. This program enrolls international students via two tracks: Embassy Track and University Track.

We support international students to applying via a university track.  For this, you have to first send the following documents to [email protected] (Researcher IB Khadka):

  • CV
  • Degree Certificate and academic transcripts (Bachelor and Master)
  • Study Plan

Deadline:  08 March 2023

Your Profile:

  • Master’s degree in physics/ material science


  • Strong experimental and analytical skills
  • Experience in material synthesis, and device fabrication (2D materials and thin films) will be advantageous


  • Skills in DFT/ first principles calculation for electronic structures of bulk/nanomaterials


Financial Coverage:

Since  GKS scholarship 2023 is a Fully Funded Scholarship in Korea for international Students it will cover all the expenses.

  • Complete Tuition Fee
  • Monthly Allowance (1000000 KRW)
  • Round Airfare Tickets
  • Language Courses


Doctoral Degree: 4 years (1yr language program + 3 yrs degree program)



Applicants have to meet the following eligibility criteria while applying for GKS Scholarship in Korea:

  • All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically.
  • All applicants must have maintained CGPA equivalent to or higher than the following.
  1. CGPA must be equal to or above 64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0
  2. Score percentile should be 80% or above on a 100-point scale or be ranked in the top 20% of one’s class.

Ÿ Applicants must submit an academic transcript with CGPA or ranking information

Ÿ If a transcript does not provide CGPA in any one of the accepted GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0 or 100 point scale), then the applicant must submit a transcript converted into one  of the above GPA scales as a supplementary document

  • Must be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2023 ( born after September 1, 1983)
  • Applicants must hold or must be expected to hold a Master’s Degree to be enrolled in Ph.D. Program.


  • All applicants must hold citizenship of NIIED designed countries.
  • All applicants and their parents must not hold Korean citizenship.


For more information, please read “2023 GKS-G Application Guidelines.pdf” carefully before applying

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials