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Ph.D. positions in Materials modelling (Israel) (1 reply)

1 year ago
makovg 1 year ago


Ph.D. positions are available in two projects in the Makov group at Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheba, Israel:

(i) Materials modelling of point defects and their electronic and chemical properties in the context of radiation damage studies in space and fusion devices. 

(ii) Modelling of the structural and thermodynamic properties of dense molecular fluids, such as compressed hydrogen and water, including  machine-learning to develop interatomic potentials.

Students should possess, or expect to obtain, an M.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or related disciplines.  In exceptional cases a direct Ph.D. track can be considered. The ideal candidate will have an interest in material simulations and possess very good written and oral communication skills in English. Experience with scientific computing, in particular, computational software (e.g. LAMMPS, Quantum ESPRESSO) and programming languages (e.g.  Python, scripting) is an advantage.

Any candidate selected will be required to be accepted to the Kreitman School of Graduate Studies at Ben-Gurion University.

Relocation costs will be reimbursed.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, a copy of all university degrees and other certificates as well as transcripts from their undergraduate and graduate studies. All combined in a single pdf-file to makovg(at)

1 year ago
makovg 1 year ago


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials