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Open PhD Positions in Theoretical Chemistry at t ... (No replies)

4 years ago
mroemelt 4 years ago

Research topics

Multiple PhD positions in the Department of Theoretical Chemistry of the Ruhr-University Bochum are open immediately. The research work will be conducted in the group of Dr. Michael Roemelt and will involve the application and (if desired) the development of novel quantum chemical methods for molecules with complex electronic structures.

More precisely, modern ab initio methods of the single- and multireference type will be used to study chemical reactions in solution and on reactive surfaces. All planned investigations will be conducted in close collaboration with experimental groups located in the Department of Chemistry. Of course, interested students can choose to be involved in methodological advancements of the applied methods.

Working environment

The Department of Theoretical Chemistry at the RUB is one of the leading centers for theoretical chemistry in Germany and offers a diverse and highly international research environment. With only 4 PhD students, our group is still relatively small but it is in the process of growing. The city of Bochum lies in the middle of the ’Ruhrgebiet’, an ensemble of larger cities (Essen, Dortmund, Duisburg etc.), and therefore offers numerous activities in close proximity.

Candidate requirements

  • A Master’s degree in theoretical Chemistry or Physics
  • If participation in development work is desired programming experience in C++ is beneficial but not mandatory
  • The candidate should be willing and able to effectively communicate with members of other branches of chemistry.
  • One of the advertised positions is part of the Ruhr Explores Solvation cluster of excellence (RESOLV). Hence, the successful candidate will have the chance to subscribe to the integrated Graduate School Solvation Science (iGSS).

If you are interest please send a resume together with the usual material as pdf file to:
Dr. Michael Roemelt
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
[email protected]



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials