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FAculty positions in theoretical and experimenta ... (No replies)

3 years ago
widom 3 years ago

Carnegie Mellon University invites applications for two tenure track positions in condensed matter physics, one for experiment and the other for theory. With these two positions, and an additional opening in Materials Science and Engineering, CMU seeks to build upon its strength in quantum electronic materials. The successful candidate should demonstrate a strong independent research program that brings synergy with condensed matter-related activities across the Pittsburgh region. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Physics or a closely related field. The appointments are intended to be at the Assistant Professor level, but exceptional candidates at the Associate Professor or Professor level may be considered.

We request at least three letters of reference, along with a cover letter and a CV including a list of publications and a list of invited seminars and conference presentations. Applicants should provide separate statements of their research and teaching plans, and a statement outlining how they have contributed to, or plan to contribute to, diversity, inclusion, and equity.
Apply to for the experimental position.
Apply to for the theory position.
For full consideration applications must be received by Nov. 12, 2021.

Carnegie Mellon is committed to increasing the diversity of its community on a range of intellectual and cultural dimensions. We welcome faculty applicants who will contribute to this diversity through their research, teaching and service. We seek to meet the needs of dual-career couples and we belong to the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) that assists with dual-career searches.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials