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ETH Zürich Materials Theory Postdoctoral Opport ... (No replies)

4 years ago
NicolaSpaldin 4 years ago

Two postdoctoral research positions are available in the Materials Theory group at ETH Zurich, in collaboration with Prof. Nicola Spaldin. The group's research field is the development and application of electronic structure methods for understanding and predicting novel functional materials, with a particular focus on complex oxides and materials with multiple competing or cooperating instabilities. We are a diverse team with different nationalities, technical backgrounds, genders and interests, and are 100% LBGQT+ friendly. For information about our activities please see

The specific new projects are:

1) Revealing hidden magnetoelectric toroidal order using Compton scattering.

The magnetoelectric toroidal moment, which can occur in magnetically ordered materials that break inversion symmetry, has been proposed as a form of hidden ferroic order to complement the existing established ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and ferroelasticity. A direct measurement is lacking, and Compton scattering, which measures the electron density as a function of momentum, has been proposed as a possible probe (see for example In this project we will revisit the existing formalism for extracting Compton scattering profiles from electronic-structure calculations to verify the suitability of the approximations for calculating the response from toroidal moments; if necessary extensions to the physics and algorithms will be made. We will use first-principles calculations to identify materials with large hidden toroidal moments and screen for those with large Compton scattering cross sections. The project will involve close collaboration with experimental groups at large-scale facilities, particularly Steve Collins at the Diamond Light Source and Urs Staub at the Paul Scherrer Institute,  to identify suitable systems for experimental exploration. This project is part of the ERC Synergy program "Hidden, entangled and resonating order", involving also the groups of Gabriel Aeppli (PSI), Henrik Ronnow (EPFL) and Sasha Balatsky (Nordita).

2) Searching for light dark matter through its interaction with electrons in solids.

We will calculate the interaction of light dark matter with the electrons in solids, extending the results and concepts presented in, in which we calculated the interaction of light dark matter with the electrons in atoms. Materials with strong dark matter -- electron interactions, which might be particularly favorable for light dark matter detection, will be identified. This project is an ongoing collaboration with the group of Riccardo Catena at Chalmers University in Goteborg, Sweden.

Candidates for position 1) should have PhD training in computational/theoretical materials physics; candidates for position 2) should preferably have some background both in computational/theoretical materials physics and in astrophysics or high-energy physics. All candidates should be enthusiastic about using electronic structure methods to solve interesting and challenging physical problems.

Salary will be commensurate with experience within the ETH salary scale. To apply please submit a short (one page or less) statement of your research interests stating your motivation for joining the group and choosing the project, your CV, and the names and contact information of at least two recommenders at the relevant web-site below. The positions will remain open until filled; for full consideration please apply by the end of March 2020.

  1. Postdoc position in revealing hidden magnetoelectric toroidal order using Compton scattering:
  2. Postdoc position in searching for light dark matter through its interaction with electrons in solids:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials