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24 Phd positions in Physics at University of Tre ... (No replies)

4 years ago
calandra 4 years ago

We advertise the opening of 24 PhD positions (at present 21 with scholarship) available starting the first of November 2020 for a three year period.
The PhD school at the departement of Physics of the University of Trento, Italy includes both theoreticians and experimentalists in several field of physics, including condensed matter theory, biophysics, complex systems, nuclear physics, nanoscience, high-energy physics and many more.

Research infrastructures from several nearby research istitutions are available:

Brilliant candidates from the PsiK electronic structure community are invited to apply.

The applications should be submitted via the web site, following the instructions at
and the deadline is the 28th of august.

The salary of the PhD student, being fixed in Italy by national rules, is complemented locally by supports and benefits
( see ).

For more information please contact the Doctoral Programme secretariat at [email protected] 

The university of Trento is one of the top university in Italy,
classified first among state university in the last ANVUR ranking and
ideally situated in the heart of the dolomites in a region protected by UNESCO.
Trento is routinely classified among the top three town with the highest quality of life in Italy.
Additional information on the University of Trento and possible accomodations can be found here

Matteo Calandra


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials